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psylla t1_j68tf59 wrote

Aww is that tiny Aleksei by any chance? Also how would you compare the experiences of seeing this creature? for the first time to that one time where you first met Nick? I remember Nick was also somewhat unfathomable but your account of this event is much... scarier.

Also love how Bannik's clairvoyance magic requires scented soap <3


girl_from_the_crypt t1_j68vw34 wrote

It definitely was tiny Aleksei!!

It was... similarly disturbing. But with Nick, I at least know what he is and, to an extent, what he wants. With this thing, it's not like that at all.

The rider was terrified, and this Egon-person was pretty scared as well, so that just made it twice as bad.

Yeah, he knows what's good lol


mmrrbbee t1_j6a3cp2 wrote

Need to talk to the Leshy about Arek.


mmrrbbee t1_j6a39ml wrote

Scent has a major recall impact on memory.


thatonequeergirl t1_j68srhn wrote

It wouldn't surprise me at this point if you found a red button that would kill god upon pressing it.


AnandaPriestessLove t1_j6a4q3t wrote

Would love for Fiona to find that button!

Edit: read that as kill a god. ;) Which could have all kinds of interesting potential....


mrs-chapa t1_j68wzev wrote

I'm on the edge of my seat my lady I do so want you to be careful.


chalaismyig t1_j690tu9 wrote

Ah ha! So this was the ancestor the Leshy asked if you knew? Wow so you and Jacek's bloodlines have been friends for a long long time, how romantic and destined! Is this entity like a giant dome that you can just walk into? Hopefully by the time you see your dad, Jacek is back. I'm excited to see what happens next!


girl_from_the_crypt t1_j693hl0 wrote

Seems it! And yeah, I reckon Egon Hettmann is Jacek's great-great-great-something-grandfather.

Fuck I want that guy back....


Rikki_Untwin t1_j69kw2b wrote

Honestly, sweetie. . . I think we all do 😆😆. On a serious note, do be careful. . . I wonder if even the Gods know what it is. . . .


mmrrbbee t1_j6a3ner wrote

You, know, maybe that curse burns you and keeps you cursed because of that want... There are other fish in the mill


I_Never_Stop_Talking t1_j691x1q wrote

I’m glad Cas isn’t being super weird in a concerning way anymore, that’s a relief. And I know I should be a bit more worried about the thing in the sky…but god damnit, I’m now entirely too distracted by baby Aleksei 🥺 I wonder if he remembers this, or how he would feel knowing you saw that memory, like embarrassed or anything. also Bannik is growing on me! Kinda cute how he helps you happily, but the soap thing is pretty funny.


girl_from_the_crypt t1_j693cu0 wrote

Yeah same here. Actually, while my priorities obviously lie elsewhere, I've been wondering about that too! And he really was a pretty cute child.


ena_bear t1_j69sdds wrote

I already love baby Aleksei in a baby yoda or baby groot kind of way lol

But I have to ask (apologies if this has previously been answered), can you wear normal PJs? Or do you sleep naked or in a plain wedding gown?


PandaBennington t1_j69joc9 wrote

Oh snap.

Looks like it's time to talk to the Leshy again. He sounds so adorable as a kid. 🧡

Good luck in this new endeavor. Maybe wear 2 pair of underwear just to be safe. 😉😂


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j69oji3 wrote

Poor Cas. The way he was worried you'd think he was a pervert like Jeremy. I'm glad y'all talked about things, so it didn't damage your relationship with each other. And you got some insight into each other you hadn't had before, realized where each of you were coming from.

Now to figure out what that thing is!


stomaticmonk t1_j69tg4q wrote

I’m still hiding in the mill and would like to throw my hat in for consideration for that open guard position. I’d much prefer that to being disappeared out here and after seeing what I have to assume was the leshy go by in the distance yesterday I feel like my days are numbered


spacetstacy t1_j69scwo wrote

So..... the thing in the sky is the sleeping thing Nick wants? I guess it's time to talk to Aleksei and see if he remembers anything else about it. Can you do that, or would that be too traumatic for him?


girl_from_the_crypt t1_j69sntg wrote

I'm hoping it won't be too much for him. But he did offer to talk about Arkadiusz so I'm hopeful


Illustrious-Act-1931 t1_j69poej wrote

I wonder if Aleksei remembers what happened to him in his youth? I suppose there is no way of knowing if the thing in the sky has anything to do with it- or why it followed?


HeatedPolkka t1_j6a0tx3 wrote

Yet another mistery!!

It's always cool to see how Cas is there for you, someone that actively helps with major stuff on his own. Great guy!!

And now i really want to read all about this other guy's adventures with the miller, interacting with all those creatures, even fighting some as a duo and of course, raising the tiny aleksei.

Can't wait for the next one!!


girl_from_the_crypt t1_j6a4m2q wrote

Right?? I love him so much! Cas is the best little brother ever.

Mmh me too, kinda, ngl. I guess I'll see what I can figure out. Y'all will be the first to know :)


mmrrbbee t1_j6a35q0 wrote

You clearly need to lie to Nick. Protecting the ancients _is_ in your blood.


UnspecifiedMeat95 t1_j6a8tu2 wrote

I am GUSHING over imagining tiny Aleksei 😭💛 It's hard to imagine something so big and magnificent ever being small enough to fit on top of a horse. I hope my gut feelings are wrong, but I'm still so eager to hear what will happen now. Stay safe out there!


jollyTrapezist t1_j6aao2x wrote

Oooo a pale horse named Death... Jacek really has an interesting ancestor


Skyfoxmarine t1_j6agure wrote

I have a feeling that this ancient being is an integral part of what makes your land special and that it wasn't chasing the group so much as 'herding' them in the right direction towards the land. I think Nick consuming it will lead to the destruction of everything you hold dear and that it may be the only thing that keeps other celestial beings like him from affecting your interesting little oasis.


petiteasianbae t1_j6a5srt wrote

Aww baby Aleksei!! Maybe ask Jacek about his ancestor Egon, or Aleksei - maybe he could search his memories to help you understand what it is and where to locate it?


Gerflooficorn t1_j6aiqx3 wrote

Someone please draw baby Aleksei right now, I need to see this precious bean <3


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VeryBonelessPizza t1_j69u5vg wrote

Have you ever thought about listing the United States Military in your will and then informing them on the true nature of the woods? I'm sure that your security team is trained well enough, probably ex-blackwater mercs, but I'm sure that trained Military officials with access to heavy weaponry would probably fare better taking care of the woods than whatever team of people you have in charge. I know for a fact that they would do whatever it takes to keep it on hush mode that your woods are infested with cryptids, and I'm also sure that they will assign more than one man per patrol route. Keep in mind that none of this will be coming out of your own pocket, it's going to be all paid for by the government. Not to mention I'm kinda curious to see what would happen if there was some kind of military involvement.


real_talk_with_Emmy t1_j6a0mu5 wrote

Are you nuts? They’d weaponize the creatures and perform testing on them. No, the military is not to be trusted with the knowledge of the woods.


VeryBonelessPizza t1_j6a1jov wrote

They really wouldn't be able to weaponize the creatures. The creatures are of sentience, so if they are weaponized it's going to be because they chose to be weaponized. In the first upload by OP, she said that Leshy ate a man whole, the military will have a hard time getting a large, sentient, man eating monster to willingly be weaponized. And you also have to take account that the military probably wouldn't weaponize a massive hulking creature that is sentient because of the danger of if it goes MIA or AWOL. Imagine a large hulking sentient Leshy, equiped with missile and Miniguns just absolutely massacring the streets of NYC.

The military is smarter than to let that happen.


real_talk_with_Emmy t1_j6a1qnp wrote

They could still do testing on the creatures


TadpoleOfDoom t1_j6a4lsw wrote

Nah, once the first dozen or so soldiers get eaten they'd probably burn the whole forest down and just do autopsies on the former inhabitants.


VeryBonelessPizza t1_j6a2bom wrote

The creatures still most likely wouldn't allow a bunch of random people in combat gear poke and prod at them.

The creatures are far to smart to be trapped, otherwise I'm sure OP would have had people do it by now.

The most that the military would be able to do is obtain DNA from fecal matter (which we aren't sure if the creatures even defecate yet) and study behavioral patterns


ShinigamiLuvApples t1_j6abu04 wrote

If many of these creatures couldn't fight off humans how many years ago, they definitely aren't a match for the US military.