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girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j571g99 wrote

Yeahhh sorry, I had to take a breather lol.

You're damn right, I'm cute.

Nooo I know what you mean. I'm feeling so fucking confused cuz of Jacek... I mean, he says it's over, and then he pulls sweet crap like that?? I know I gotta accept whatever decision he makes but I just feel we'd be so good together. I know I'm dumb for worrying about that right now. There's so much more at stake.


TheBumblingBee1 t1_j57gr2g wrote

We all need a breather sometimes! I'm just teasing.

Romance is a huge part of our lives as people. Plus it's probably healthy to have something other than your peril to think about!


girl_from_the_crypt OP t1_j57hgt9 wrote

I'm glad you feel that way


JaguarLong1936 t1_j58qjp0 wrote

For someone who says she doesnt have a soul and cant feel love...this feels a lot like a development is this not maybe how your soul and body reunite...


Thr33Littl3Monk3ys t1_j57nhoc wrote

He knows it's not actually over. He's just trying to protect himself from being hurt again. He already lost his heart once, it's not like he can love again as it stands...unless, like someone said the other day, he can make like the Grinch and his heart grows three sizes again!

Assuming there's anything left of it there. But...I'm almost positive there's at least a sliver still in there...