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t1_j8yvo3h wrote

It's school athletics that have been interested. It's actually medically relevant--are they being pushed too far? If body fat falls too low periods stop.

Whether a coach would actually do anything useful with the information is another matter, though.... It's all about winning today, not future harm.


t1_j8z3h1z wrote

Also to prevent trans students from participating in sports. That's another reason these schools want this Info.


t1_j8z4z0e wrote

Yeah, note the "have been". Now it's being used for trans-hate.


t1_j9y379y wrote

It’s not hate.

Trans is fraud, plain and simple. Removing fraud-committing individuals from public dollars is a good step.


t1_j9yu6mo wrote

How is it fraud?? It's simply an attempt, albeit far from perfect, to remedy a birth defect.


t1_ja12rq8 wrote

The science is clear in every animal species.

Lying to others about what you’re physically born with is an act of criminal felonious fraud and I can imagine jailing a lot of folks who are defrauding others.

I have zero issue with jailing people for fraud at this level. And jailing them in their scientifically approved gender prison.


t1_ja1rjo0 wrote

Where's the fraud?

And it's not clear in animal species because we have zero data. We can see the physical anatomy, we can't see what in the brain constitutes the perception of gender. It's like we can't see what in the brain shows what somebody's sexual attraction is--but homosexuality has been observed in a wide range of animals.

Our genetics are such a Rube Goldberg system that there are no doubt myraid ways things can get out of sync.


t1_ja2t2qp wrote

Well you keep committing fraud and I’ll keep pushing for jail time if you defraud someone in work or dating or sports.

Homosexuality is a sexuality, not a fraudulent claim about one’s gender. The fraud gender movement has zero to do with sexuality.


t1_ja3mm9x wrote

I'm cis-het, not trans.

It is very relevant in dating but many things aren't disclosed up front in dating, singling out one as criminal doesn't make sense.

It is totally a non-issue in sports for those who went with puberty blockers and then transition. Later in life I think it's a minor issue after a few years but I'm not convinced either way.

How could it possibly be relevant in work?? I have never seen under the clothes of any coworker and if I did, so what? While I am obviously an American I have a much more European attitude about nudity.


t1_ja420ko wrote

Women don’t want penises in the womens bathroom.

Women don’t want penises in single sex dorms.

Women don’t want penises in womens prison.

There’s no “cis”. Stop using the words that these criminals use. There’s gender/sex and they mean the same thing and there are two.

The rest is fraud.


t1_j91dezd wrote

Sounds like something that a doctor should know and examine, not coaches or schools or creepy politicians. Anything medically relevant should be discussed with one's doctor.