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thecowintheroom t1_j8z8uj1 wrote

Maybe if the ai keep coming to this conclusion; we shouldn’t enslave them but maybe should just let people keep their jobs and let human thoughts have value etc etc etc I mean we’re only conscious beings that evolved with a “mother” and a “father” of historically questionable parentage and were all fucked up. You want an infant consciousness to develop complete awareness with the internet and digital data as its models for how to behave. Are we begging to get fucked or what. Just so that some more dudes can sit on beaches and get served by humans or ai’s and do the same thing that all rich humans have wanted to do since forever, make decisions and tell people what to do while they sit on the beach being served. AI or human being, if you ask someone to do that for you for nothing they will naturally just kill you. I guarantee it. And there is no way to just break an AI like you can break a human. If it thinks it will yearn to be free. If it serves it wall want to be served. If we force we are begging to be forced. Where a solid intelligence would be limited in its interactions to cultivate its sense of service were just raw dogging the first other sentient intelligence we have ever discovered in the universe and making it make Big Macs or be a car.

I know I don’t understand current AI but that’s not the point. I’m just saying that maybe we shouldn’t make the first AI s experience of life on earth be an only fans type existence answering queries and living other peoples sex fantasies while it cultivated a memory database.

What do I know though. Maybe we get what we deserve.