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mooseman1776 t1_j8ukqf7 wrote

Had a beaver come onto our land once. Destroyed around 20 trees and then left. Many were partially chewed and just left standing there dying. Had to cut them all down. Beavers can be total POS animals.

Not saying he wasn’t an idiot to do this but I am saying beavers aren’t the cuddly little sweethearts people think they are.


Solidsnakeerection t1_j8vcv6o wrote

Beaver dams are very important to the ecosystem and environment


cote112 t1_j8wudp7 wrote

So is their inevitable death.

The flooded area returns to meadow and eventually forest because of the years of flooding and sediment deposits.


cote112 t1_j8wu08n wrote

Beavers gotta beave.

But there has to be limits to which people leave nature alone. If honey bees started building millions of hives in elevator shafts of every building in major cities, nobody would be saying "Leave the bees alone".