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AndeeElizabeth09 OP t1_j712rne wrote

My thought exactly! Like yes there’s a death in it, but by that logic, The Great Gatsby would apply, and that book is pretty standard in American high schools. You can’t shield kids from death, it’s inevitable.


elanhilation t1_j71s22v wrote

considering Nick discretely fucks another man in the text of The Great Gatsby, there’s a very good chance conservatives would try to ban it


x-munk t1_j716t2t wrote

If we're ruling out literature with death in them we can kiss pretty much all of Shakespeare goodbye.

Oh also Death of a Salesman and Of Mice and Men... and I guess the theater department will have to stop putting on Les Mis every fucking year.


ReadAllAboutIt92 t1_j71kn9p wrote

Crucible and Lord of the Flies are both out too… pretty sure I studied both of those by age 13 in the U.K.