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swisscriss t1_j9239ju wrote

In my opinion there needs to be a drastic overhaul of the current laws. Currently the kids that work in my restaurant are only allowed to work a set number of hours per week, but since their parents often have second jobs I need people to cover open and close Explaining that you can't tell the nice lady from the county you're tired from working the fryolator is hard to do with someone with a third grade education


ryanfea t1_j93wciw wrote

Are you playing a character or what?


swisscriss t1_j93xpsf wrote

What do you mean?


ryanfea t1_j93xwbw wrote

I mean, from reading these comments and a brief scan of your profile, it’s hard to believe you’re a real person


somedave t1_j95dxbz wrote

I agree I think it's a troll account


swisscriss t1_j93yda0 wrote

Just like I regularly tell law enforcement when they show up at my house; everything I have ever said has been entirely in earnest
