Submitted by Utegenthal t3_113qycm in nottheonion
jayfeather31 t1_j8rv5wn wrote
I mean, you can't fault him for his creativity.
Ground2ChairMissile t1_j8rw2mj wrote
I read the title and said to myself, "I bet that happened in Australia."
Yup. Australia.
Aethermations t1_j8rwqwj wrote
The Odysseus play
autoposting_system t1_j8s2nm5 wrote
And who caught him? Nobody
Edit: I admit this Odysseus joke is poorly constructed
Hitori-Kowareta t1_j8s4rc6 wrote
Apparently it happened in Bolivia, no fucking clue why The West Australian is the used source.
thepunalwaysrises t1_j8s5lof wrote
Misread the headline as "Killer trees to escape prison disguised as a sheep" and all I could think is, "If those trees meet up with the killer tomatoes, we're doomed."
Slight-Winner-8597 t1_j8s6tc2 wrote
That was a baa-d disguise
Due_Permit8027 t1_j8s7bb7 wrote
He tried to pull the wool over their eyes
SLDH1980 t1_j8seg2g wrote
The giveaway was when he said "mooo..." to try and throw the guards off.
RoyalwithCheese10 t1_j8sjhem wrote
From the article it sounds like if he had ditched the sheep costume and booked it he might have actually gotten away
SelectiveSanity t1_j8smycj wrote
Too bad actual wolves didn't get to him.
Khaldara t1_j8som9c wrote
“Nobody is escaping!”
ThatsMeIllFakeIt t1_j8sp8tw wrote
Begrudging upvote.
TheElectricCO t1_j8sr7vj wrote
And if this had worked we'd all be calling the guy a genius.
Lichidna t1_j8sryai wrote
Obviously it's because they have the most prestigious Sheep Crime bureau
jumbonipples t1_j8st21p wrote
And he would have gotten away for it to! If it weren’t for those pesky kids
1x54f t1_j8sys15 wrote
Is his name shaun?
Skogula t1_j8sysh7 wrote
Someone was watching Top Secret!
mariegriffiths t1_j8szshs wrote
He'll spend a long time behind Baas now.
remotetissuepaper t1_j8t03er wrote
The Special Victims Unit is especially busy
Imaginaryfriend4you t1_j8t0cpo wrote
Ewe you gotta be kidding me?
AnnualSprinkles4364 t1_j8t8xeb wrote
That was a baaaaad idea
phpx t1_j8ta763 wrote
Well that was a baa'd idea.
SatanLifeProTips t1_j8tcpv8 wrote
Being horny can lead a man to strange places.
I can just imagine how this went down. “Uh… I was trying to escape. Ya, that’s it”.
TricksterWolf t1_j8tdmlw wrote
This deserves more ⬆️
TricksterWolf t1_j8tdtwe wrote
They probably caught him when he was napping and said, "Wake up, sheeple!"
BobbyTheRaccoon t1_j8tq285 wrote
Nobody strikes again.
AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_j8tswac wrote
I'm just glad it wasn't in NZ
Zkenny13 t1_j8tswgr wrote
Good thing he wasn't in a Welsh prison.
BizzyM t1_j8tzf6a wrote
That's some Wile E Coyote shit, right there.
thunder1967 t1_j8u3q7t wrote
See, he should have gotten a cow costume like in Top Secret
[deleted] t1_j8u9x4w wrote
sharksnut t1_j8uka8x wrote
I saw this work in a cartoon once
slappy1973 t1_j8ul2y2 wrote
Too baaaaad
skoltroll t1_j8umnak wrote
Morning, Ralph
BizzyM t1_j8uohfd wrote
Mornin, Sam.
[deleted] t1_j8upenx wrote
Darkhorseman81 t1_j8uxjzb wrote
He's lucky none of the prison guards were New Zealanders.
TheExpandingMan23977 t1_j8v716y wrote
Bleating or not, Shaun would not muck about with this dude.
Orcabandana t1_j8vt9h0 wrote
This was always either gonna be Australia or Florida. Nowhere else would anyone try to pull this kind of shit.
Groomsi t1_j8w786i wrote
He got the idea from the Aus movie: "Black Sheep"! 🤣
PA_ChooChoo_29 t1_j8w811v wrote
Orin? What are you doing here?
Slight-Winner-8597 t1_j8xsnzy wrote
Haha, thanks. I don't deserve it though 😅
Jazzfinger1 t1_j90cb75 wrote
He was hoping they would count on him
[deleted] t1_j945wzj wrote
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SaltifiedReddit t1_j94qtzy wrote
Currently reading the Odyssesy
justhavingfunMT t1_j9djq4i wrote
I think one of the main reasons, other than committing crimes, that people end up in prison.......they're stupid.
ARMinSC t1_j8rnkh9 wrote
Wolf in sheep's clothing, eh?