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xu235 t1_j9t4d62 wrote

400 women? Why is he not in jail for decades??


cr0ft t1_j9tl1y9 wrote

Voyeurism is not the same as rape. There's gotta be some damned proportionality to legal consequences.


KesonaFyren t1_j9u4y94 wrote

Only 6-20% of rapists ever see the inside of a jail cell, so...

(And as everyone else has stated, proportionality)


Careless_Relief_1378 t1_ja6o7y9 wrote

But that’s because it’s hard to prove. Not because the law wouldn’t jail convicted rapists. This guy had the photos on his phone.


KesonaFyren t1_ja6sqn0 wrote

It's definitely hard to prove when rape kits are so frequently not given or sit untested afterwards.

It's even harder to prove when it's such an underrepoted crime because victims fear they won't be believed, and would rather try to move on then go through the additional stress of trying to get justice.

The tounge-in-cheek point of my comment was that sex crimes aren't taken as seriously as they should be.


StarksFTW t1_j9u1toz wrote

This isn’t the Middle Ages. Voyeurism isn’t rape, it’s gross and fucked up but they’re not gonna run around and cut peoples hands off for it. Privacy was violated but no physical harm, or contact, was done.


rood_sandstorm t1_j9ujyec wrote

Mental harm is just as damaging.


MoreCarrotsPlz t1_j9uohuw wrote

No dude, just no. The mental harm from being photographed is not “just as damaging” as trauma from a physical assault. Pull your head out.


StarksFTW t1_j9ul89a wrote

And he got a month in prison and several years of parole. The guy is clearly mentally ill and needs professional help. Locking him away for decades would help no one and would only worsen his mental state when he would be released. That sort of punitive punishment is not helpful and is demonstrably harmful to society.


Pudding_Hero t1_j9vyfg8 wrote

Isn’t that just the sort of thinking that got all the Starks killed?


Ma1eficent t1_j9ukqh6 wrote

Mental harm doesn't vanish when there is physical harm also. Its just in addition. And yes, two harms is greater than one.