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Terrasweat999 t1_j9uw9of wrote

Yeah....can't have anyone except "god's chosen people" being victims.

Especially not the children of Gaza that apartheid Israel treat like animals and force them to live in the largest concentration camp on the planet....

Fuck those patients.


needaburnerbaby t1_j9waiu4 wrote

Also it’s totally Israel’s fault that Palestinians live in squalor and not their own elected fucking Hamas government right? Yup. All on Israel.


medfreak t1_j9xbmk8 wrote

It's not like Israel as been electing angels every year. They literally keep electing the most right wing factions possible in their Government. The only difference between Hamas and the far right government that Netanyahu governs is that the latter has nukes and one of the most well armed terrorists on the planet they call the IDF, while the Palestinian terrorists are armed with firecrackers.


redditsowngod t1_j9z4r8w wrote

You sound like someone trying to use the clothing of a rape victim as justification


needaburnerbaby t1_ja04odi wrote

Because I expect an elected government to provide for its citizens instead of building bombs and digging tunnels to kill their enemy?? Weird logic but I learned long ago reasoning with people about this topic on Reddit is impossible.


redditsowngod t1_ja04u9r wrote

And if they can’t provide then the people under said government deserve to be bombed? I’m failing to see your logic.


needaburnerbaby t1_ja065vl wrote

Yah if you fire missiles at a neighbouring country they are gonna fire back. That part isn’t rocket science. Again. Are you gonna get mad at their own government for not investing in schools, roads, hospitals, irrigations systems, anything. Nope. Instead it’s Israel’s fault. Why? Cause fuck them Jews.


redditsowngod t1_ja07bym wrote

What a stupid chicken or the egg situation you’ve presented. One side morally deserves to be on that land, and the other is supported by tens of millions in military aid yearly, with a defence system unmatched by most other developed nations. Why are you riding Israel’s dick so hard as if they are a shining example of morality??


needaburnerbaby t1_ja0s01x wrote

Wtf. I didn’t say anything about morality. Did you read what I wrote or just copy and pasted your replies from other times you complained about Israel?

Also the fact that you hold onto idea that only one side has a moral right to be there is truly illuminating.


954bzn t1_ja4bcvk wrote

So you think Hamas should attack the people illegally stealing Palestinian land, since that would directly provide for their citizens? If so, I agree.


needaburnerbaby t1_ja6g4nv wrote

I mean Hamas has proven time and again they don’t need any reasons to attack innocent civilians let alone asshole settlers so not exactly the point you think you’re making here.


954bzn t1_ja6h2x5 wrote

I mean IDF has proven time and again they don’t need any reasons to attack innocent civilians let alone steal their properties so not exactly the point you think you’re making here.


needaburnerbaby t1_ja6hyx2 wrote

Lol ok sure. You side with Hamas. I’ll side with the IDF. If you think the IDF is at all in the same universe as the terrorist organization posing as a government known as Hamas then you have deluded yourself to a level that is light years beyond saving.


Traevia t1_ja54rcy wrote

Well, there is the whole Israeli court decision that said the settlements were illegal and as expected Israel backed off of doing that. Oh wait, the government actually just INCREASED the amount of settlements and encouraged more. They told their own courts to screw off. There are also plenty of videos of Palestinians asking this settlers to get off their land with Israeli citizens saying "don't worry it will be ours soon regardless".

No offense, you don't get to tell someone else how to live as long as it doesn't hurt you. If they want to live on the ground and sleep all day, that is up to them.


needaburnerbaby t1_ja6fzob wrote

Right up until the moment they stop sleeping all day and instead build and launch missiles at their neighbours….

Again the focus on Israel is hilarious considering the article is about Palestinian artists depictions of a world in which Israel doesn’t exist.