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RacoonSmuggler t1_j8fsryw wrote

>he estimated that the current US tariff system adds about $1.10 to each pair of women’s underwear and about $0.75 to men’s.

About 35 cents a pair more.


timeforaroast t1_j8h9cxk wrote

There’s a joke here somewhere but I’m probably not the best person to go about it


QueensOfTheNoKnowAge t1_j8syf3j wrote

This doesn’t even take into account how long the underwear lasts. My ex-wife wasn’t a fan of my hole-y boxers. It’s possible that there may have been a free ball mishap with an unfortunately placed undie hole.

Men are gross and cheap and we’re aware of that privilege.

Edit: And those that aren’t need to embrace the cheap grossness