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Pugs1985 t1_j9xfe5q wrote

>Will they decide to free all convicted pregnant women as not to violate the constitutional rights of the fetus inside of them?

Who said they have constitutional rights? Those aren't granted until you're born on US soil.


Tomoko_Lovecraft t1_j9xj92t wrote

The whole point of the pro-life movement is that fetuses have rights. This lawsuit is showing the logical result when that stance is encoded into law. If the fetus has the same rights as any other person, then they get all the rights not some stupid selective bullshit.


Pugs1985 t1_j9xjl7f wrote

>The whole point of the pro-life movement is that fetuses have rights.

No, it's not. It's about not killing babies. That's it.


heyimjason t1_j9xqypr wrote

A fetus is not a baby. It’s a fetus.


Pugs1985 t1_j9xr2sr wrote

Then this lawsuit has no merit


heyimjason t1_j9xr9tu wrote

Then they have to get rid of the anti-abortion laws. Can’t have it both ways.


Pugs1985 t1_j9xrfaq wrote

Not really how it works, but ok.


heyimjason t1_j9xrhw8 wrote

That’s exactly how it works. A fetus is a person, or it is not. The law needs to be clear in this.


Pugs1985 t1_j9xrqnm wrote

>That’s exactly how it works.

Except it's not.

>A fetus is a person, or it is not.

There are plenty of "people" who aren't granted rights under the US Constitution

>The law needs to be clear in this.

It is.


Mod_Accountability t1_j9yl2ju wrote

This is pathetic, it is beyond clear that you're doing nothing but deflecting.

>There are plenty of "people" who aren't granted rights under the US Constitution

What the fuck does this even mean?


Pugs1985 t1_j9z2c7w wrote

What part of it don't you understand?


Mod_Accountability t1_j9yky4v wrote

You can't kill a baby because it's a person, right?

So why can you imprison a baby, a person, for not committing a crime?


Pugs1985 t1_j9z3oau wrote

Umm, because it's not born yet, you moron.


Tomoko_Lovecraft t1_j9xk5ph wrote

If they really cared about the life and safety of the baby then they would also support social programs that ensure the parents have everything they need to keep them safe and healthy. As the saying goes, if you're pre-born, you're fine. If you're preschool, you're fucked.


gbursson t1_ja7es94 wrote

If you're preschool, and within vicinity of a priest, you are truly and literally fucked.


Pugs1985 t1_j9xkgog wrote

What does this have to do with the article? I'm not about to get into an argument about abortion.


Mod_Accountability t1_j9yl5vi wrote

How do you not know you're already in an argument about abortion?


Pugs1985 t1_j9z2odn wrote

Because the article has nothing to do with abortion.
