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t1_j8rteby wrote

Liverpool has a famously large Irish population, and is one of the most followed foreign teams in Ireland.


t1_j8rx9pp wrote

You know where else has a large irish population? Dublin. As an Irish person I feel like an Irish place would’ve been more appropriate than an English one lol


t1_j8ry8sg wrote

Dublin’s not in Premier League no?


t1_j8s59tr wrote

No it’s not. Not sure why we’re talking about the premier league though. Just thought it was odd that the first thing OP thought about when ireland came up was an English city.


t1_j8smr8r wrote

>Liverpool has a famously large Irish population, and is one of the most followed foreign teams in Ireland.

How did this not answer your question? It's the most followed Premier League team by Irish people. Seems pretty clear to me.


t1_j8sor3n wrote

I understand. But it’s just a weird thing to say. Imagine the article was about someone waking up with an American accent and someone said “just give them a bottle of bud light and put on a Brazil game and they’ll be cured”. Just because the US support Brazil the most in the World Cup (when the US aren’t in).


t1_j8sqedr wrote

I think that the difference is Americans for the most part don't give a shit about Brazil sports and people in Ireland do legitimately like Liverpool due to the large population of Irish people that live there. If there were a ton of Americans in Brazil, I'm sure that Brazilian sports would be more popular in the US.


t1_j8sropf wrote

Sure it’s not the best example. My point is that most Irish people don’t follow football, so it’s strange to pick that as a cultural reference.

I think I just got a bit tilted because there’s a lot of dumb irish stereotyping in the thread which, as an actual Irish person, gets very tiring.


t1_j8sufja wrote

OH don't you worry your wee little head, lad. Dontchaknow at the top o' the mornin' there'll be a rainbow with a pot o' gold at the end to lift yer spirits? Anyways BRB going to feed my cat Pangur Ban


t1_j8suo2s wrote

Real comedy gold right there. Could sell that routine to Dave Chappelle