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hatersaurusrex t1_j85eqmo wrote

The whole thing is confusing. This quote:

>A Democrat, Donna Baringer, said police in her district asked for the change to stop ā€œ14-year-olds walking down the middle of the street in the city of St Louis carrying AR-15sā€.

seems to imply that St. Louis is a lawless wasteland where juvenile warlords brazenly and openly carry semiautomatic rifles in broad daylight so often that police are begging lawmakers to do something about it.

But I can't find any evidence of that happening outside this lady's quote.

Meanwhile, back in reality, teenagers hunting on public land with an old Henry .22 can easily wind up with a police record all because somebody in the state capitol decided to grandstand in order to solve a problem that probably doesn't exist.


RaptorPrime t1_j85gzp1 wrote

this is exactly what I'm talking about. there's no reason a police officer can't confiscate an illegally obtained weapon upon discovery. A kid with a 9mm in his pocket or carrying a long gun in a completely inappropriate setting, who is detained by police, already is losing that gun. This new law would do nothing to empower that capability and only serves to harm individuals who may have been doing nothing but trying to look after themselves.
