OnlyFlannyFlanFlans t1_j9uwy2f wrote
Reply to comment by HarryHacker42 in Massachusetts man charged after hiding cryptocurrency mining rig in school crawl space by MajesticOuting
If you'd only read the article, you wouldn't need to do the calculations since $18,000 is given as the exact figure.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j9uy354 wrote
Well then even more credit to the guy for getting the math spot-on correct even though he didn't read the article
Graega t1_j9uzh1v wrote
Or he did read the article, and calculated the total down to a per month to make it seem like he got it spot on without reading the article.
HarryHacker42 t1_j9v32y8 wrote
I read the article, got the $18k, and tried to figure out how a "rig" would use $18k. It only makes sense if it is 11+ rigs because one just isn't going to use that much. But with 11 rigs, it can be possible.
geekmasterflash t1_j9vouo2 wrote
He could have them in parallel/clustered, so despite being several physical devices it would not be incorrect to call them one mining rig/system.
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