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Manimal31 t1_j8vnpui wrote

It's funny all the comments are like publicity stunt or arguing whether there really is a ramp or not. My first thought was why isn't someone helping him. Take a couple big guys and lift him and his chair up there. There's a pretty big dude right in the pic. Come on man help him out


roguetrick t1_j8votsp wrote

The article states they tried and failed.


Manimal31 t1_j8xrd58 wrote

No it says event organizers couldn't lift it. I bet you it was an insurance thing and who are the organizers probably not very strong people. I just mean regular Joe's who were there. Hard to believe there wasn't 3 dudes able lift him and his chair above their waist.


Viper_JB t1_j8wwts4 wrote

Probably not work the risk of dropping him things get really unstable when you're lifting a heavy weight over chest height.


Manimal31 t1_j8xqyqs wrote

Ya that sounds like a cop out honestly. Unstable ya ok. I'm a fairly big guy and me and the dude to the left could easily lift that up. It's a chair all told probably 250 lbs with the guy on it at most. 3 dudes average size no problem. Guaranteed it was some bureaucratic BS about insurance or somethin.