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misdreavus79 t1_j8xu6q2 wrote

I always find it funny, in a "what a waste of time" way, when people obsess over intent.

Who gives a shit if there was malicious intent? Dude still had to crawl onto the stage, no?


vagfactory t1_j8xus3c wrote

Intent matters a ton, wtf are you smoking?


misdreavus79 t1_j8y0xhc wrote

Not as much as you might think. If someone punches you in the nose, you're going to bleed regardless of whether it was an accident or not.

We can't read people's minds, but we can evaluate actions on their own merit. Not only that, but a lot of people hide behind intent in order to not change their behavior. If it's continually an accident, you can continually keep doing the thing over and over again!

But, again, the important part here: the intent of an action doesn't negate the action. And, in this particular case, whether they intended to have an inaccessible stage or not doesn't change the fact that the stage was inaccessible.


TacoMeat563 t1_j8y58z4 wrote

Your example is poop. No one gets “punched” in the face by accident. You can get “hit” in the face on accident. A “punch” is intended.


misdreavus79 t1_j8y6cxm wrote

The other thing I always find funny in a "what a waste of time" sense! When people become purposefully obtuse for no real reason!

You mean to tell me you can't come up with any example where someone could hit you by accident? Not a single one?


TacoMeat563 t1_j8ysalf wrote

Reread my comment, and then I guess go back to yours and change “hit” to “punch” to make me look like a dummy.


vagfactory t1_j8yf7rt wrote

Oh, now I see where you are misunderstanding. Intent matters for what kind of reaction is expected/appropriate.