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CascadianExpat t1_jakckbf wrote

Really? How. Explain why caribou grazing is more important than developing alternative energy generation capacity from a climate change perspective.


AtLeastThisIsntImgur t1_jakdfvy wrote

It called taking a holistic approach. There are downsides to every action. We don't need to cover the entire world with turbines.


jerzd00d t1_jalvzw3 wrote

But we do need to place the wind turbines where there is wind, starting with places where the return on investment is close to the best to increase the percentage of renewable energy as quickly as possible.


Flimsy-Cap2224 t1_jakkgpk wrote

Wow, you're deeply stupid.


CascadianExpat t1_jakmoeg wrote

Please, explain to me how what I said is stupid. If you’re so much smarter, you should be able to.


Flimsy-Cap2224 t1_jaky07b wrote

>Explain why caribou grazing is more important than developing alternative energy generation capacity from a climate change perspective.

Because we can build enough wind turbines to power society without killing caribou that the sami rely on to survive. They're not mutually exclusive. What so hard to figure out?


CascadianExpat t1_jakzfpq wrote

  1. Windmills aren’t going to kill off the caribou. That’s nonsense.
  2. We can’t build enough windmills if we scrap every project every time someone comes up with some objection.
  3. We can’t solve climate change if we won’t allow anyone to have their lives impacted in some way. NIMBYism is bad enough when the stakes are affordability; it’s not acceptable when the stakes are ecological collapse.

fodahmania t1_jalgwc5 wrote

Except you are wrong, because they WILL kill off the reindeer, as the development of windmills and other large scale infrastructure reduce the reindeers grazing areas, which means more reindeer will graze in the same areas, meaning there won’t be enough lichen to sustain all of them. This in turn means that you also kill the livelyhood of many sami. Also, the NIMBY argument is especially ridiculous, since the people who actually want the windmills are putting them very far away from their own neighborhoods.


CascadianExpat t1_jali93m wrote

Windmills have small footprints, and there's no claim in this article that the windmills or associated infrastructure is killing any caribou, let alone a substantial number.

And windmills work better in some areas than others, and not everywhere can support a meaningful number of turbines.


fodahmania t1_jalvgyy wrote

The windmills physically have small footprints, but it is the noise that drive the reindeer off.