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CascadianExpat t1_jakm8q2 wrote

If the stakes are extinction-level, worrying about disrupting some caribou grazing is insane. If you’re working about caribou grazing, then clearly you’re not really worried about them all going extinct due to habitat loss and ecosystem collapse. If you really do think all the caribou are at risk of extinction, but you insist that any solution not have comparably irrelevant consequences because of some prideful “humility”, then you’re an idiot.


PlantfoodCuisinart t1_jaksfx0 wrote

Some “prideful” humility.

I wish you were satire.


CascadianExpat t1_jakvmhq wrote

I mean it. At the point you’re standing in the way of people trying to prevent catastrophic climate change and ecosystem collapse because you are so wise and humble, it’s not really humility.


PlantfoodCuisinart t1_jakwhlu wrote

You began your little diatribe with “ This is why I understand why climate change skeptics don’t trust environmentalists.”

Something tells me that you “understand” them because you are them. I’m too lazy to search your history, but I bet I wouldn’t have to search too far. You people are painfully disingenuous, and far more transparent than you think that you are.


CascadianExpat t1_jal0owi wrote

> You people are painfully disingenuous, and far more transparent than you think that you are.

And you’re not nearly as smart or perceptive as you think you are. I mean, talk about an ad hominem. “I bet you’re the wrong kind of person because you questioned my political tribe, therefore you’re wrong.”

No, I do believe in climate change. Which is a bummer, because the people I agree with about that are too chickenshit to go after real solutions, and torpedo their credibility by opposing hydro, nuclear, and even wind and solar if they aren’t 100% happy with the location.

Look, if I go with a colleague to convince a neighbor that their pesticide is killing the local bees, and that neighbor offers to switch to an alternative, and my colleague says “absolutely not, my cat might sneeze occasionally if you use that one,” then I can hardly blame my neighbor for thinking my colleague and I are full of shit. It’s the same with climate change.

Greens could have had nuclear and hydro power coming out of their ears 20 years ago if they pitched it as a win-win for climate and “energy independence.” But, in typical fashion, they let perfect be the enemy of the good and insisted that we get rid of existing clean, renewable energy. You can’t do that and then expect people to believe you that climate change is an existential threat.


PlantfoodCuisinart t1_jal431k wrote

Oops, I looked at your history.

You’re a “walk away” total fraud.


CascadianExpat t1_jal5d8v wrote

Back to the ad hominem. You got me, though. Nothing says “doesn’t really care about the environment” like…

checks notes

…occasional participation in subs about distrusting government and industry. No overlap there. Never mind that my last comment there got downvoted because I pointed out that the post was ragebait.

You’re right though, they believe some cRAzy sHit over there. Like some folks really believe COVID leaked from a lab in Wuhan. Total nutters.

Seriously, buddy, take off the political blinders. Just because someone agrees with you about something doesn’t mean they’re going to agree with you about everything. They’ve got you so worked up you’re lashing out at shadows.


PlantfoodCuisinart t1_jal77mr wrote

What are you wasting your time on? I already know what you are. I’m not engaging. You can head back to r/conservative or whatever and cry with your homies.


CascadianExpat t1_jal8gk3 wrote

>What are you wasting your time on?

Trying to make someone understand that their myopic polarization is foolhardy, in a vain attempt to maybe help build common ground in a toxic, polarized culture?

>I already know what you are.

That's a neat trick. I don't know what I am. Please, if you can point me to the tribe that is in favor of carbon taxes, nuclear energy, universal healthcare, gun rights, and Jesus, I'll be happy to find them.

>I’m not engaging.

You very clearly are engaging. You're engaging so hard your trawling through my post history to find subs you don't like so you can justify ignoring my good points about the environmental movement sabotaging itself.