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Dillweed999 t1_jaoz2ln wrote


nearfantastica00 t1_jap16rc wrote

yeah that is absolutely not what the kid said.

I question the validity of the whole thing.


Stickysocks182 t1_jap5s2g wrote

Kind of a cringe move to put your hands on your hips and say a line that an anime character would say.


macchareen t1_japs5bk wrote

Unless a grownup said it to the kid and it made an impression. The hands on hips makes me think the kid may be mimicking someone.


KayakerMel t1_japx9ul wrote

Yeah, the "It's good to be honest we shouldn't lie" sounds like something right out of children's educational programming. If it wasn't on TV, it's the type of things preschool covers. Although it makes me think the toddler had to be at least 3 or 4 years old to do such a speech.