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smeijer87 t1_jeg4xnp wrote

I've been looking for a dumber phone as well, but there are 3 or 4 apps I really need to get along with life.


  • banking app to pay bills,
  • government authenticator app to file taxes and other govt stuff,
  • authenticator app to login at websites,
  • optionally WhatsApp for family business

The last one I can replace with sms if needed.

If a phone like those classic nokia remakes would run on android, and let me install those 3 apps, I'd switch in a heartbeat. They may even be highly overpriced.


saltycrewneck t1_jeg6ssq wrote

Something with email would be all I need. The nokia ui on one I tried was never updated so just always froze. Not many options to be half connected so to speak.


Wojtas_ t1_jegin6q wrote

Anything running KaiOS really. Messenger, WhatsApp, emails, even Google Maps, but on a 2,5-3,5 inch screen, controlled with a T9 keyboard. Seriously considered one of those.