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FindorKotor93 t1_jaxvdb2 wrote

"I believe that we need to keep discussing whether the prime minister was lying when he didn't know this was a party or is genuinely too incompetent to tell the difference to determine whether him and the people who backed him deserve to continue to wield power and influence over you commoners."
Fuck them. Incompetence is not a reason to keep your job when you broke the law. No more Narcs in power, no matter the cost.


Jojo_isnotunique t1_jay48ep wrote

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for the rest of us plebs


FindorKotor93 t1_jay6eow wrote

And even if it was, imagine arguing to keep your job because you only publicly broke the law by accident and how your boss would look at you. Then imagine you had the highest ranking job in the country.