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mzivtins t1_jbx0cs5 wrote

Ok, so saying something is Immeasurably cruel and saying its worded the same as policies in the 1930's Germany has nothing do to with the NAZI part and their policies around immigrants, the biggest group being Jews?

The guy is an idiot who is obsessed with being liked, just like all narcissistic celebrities (pretty much all of them)


Barmos t1_jbx1kqc wrote

Mate, they're talking about sending people to camps in another country, that is slightly cruel, and has very unsavoury undertones. And to be honest he did say language rather than acts, very decisive rhetoric is being used to turn people against any sort of refugee or asylum seeker.

It's just your opinion if you think he's an idiot, I think your wrong, he has shown a great deal of understanding.

Final point, I don't think you know what narcissist means.


Velvy71 t1_jbx8f39 wrote

I don’t think enough people have realised what is being proposed, your comment sums it up very succinctly

they’re talking about sending people to camps in another country


Kientha t1_jbx2p2w wrote

The language used in 1930s Germany included the othering of vulnerable groups, scapegoating those groups, talks of an invasion and other similar rhetoric. The rhetoric used by the government includes the othering of vulnerable groups, scapegoating those groups, and talks of an invasion.

Lineker isn't even the first person to call this out. A Holocaust survivor wrote to Braverman in January asking her to tone down the rhetoric which she refused to apologise for and said would continue.

Now personally, I think comparisons to 1970s Italy would be far more apt, but the comparison isn't wrong just not the best fit.


VonnegutGNU t1_jbx2805 wrote

They weren't immigrants, not anymore than the Turkish people in Turkey. Jews lived in Germany before Columbus ever set foot in the new world, and you don't call modern Caribbean people immigrants.