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VeryStableGenius t1_jc5o4rw wrote

You never go full Florida.

This is like a skit. A really good skit. Perfectly acted. And the final quote. Chef's kiss. Best supporting actor.

And she sounds just like my goddamned f---ing sister in law.

edit: I mean, if you wrote and acted this, and showed it to the execs at Netflix, you'd get series on the spot.


Zambito t1_jc5r4f0 wrote

"Per cap(checks notes)...ita"

It's now a life goal of mine to work one of those into a speech. Just perfect.


AntibacHeartattack t1_jc5unro wrote

I give this 3-1 odds of being a Sacha Baron Cohen-type thing.


VeryStableGenius t1_jc5w552 wrote

I think you might be right. The old guy hobbling back to his wheelchair gives it away. But perhaps it's just Florida.


nerevisigoth t1_jc64n7v wrote

This is definitely an act designed to go viral. Especially since she did it in Boca of all places.