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Hi_Im_Dadbot t1_jck8wc7 wrote

The cop targetting and arresting someone for insulting his family?

Not particularly complex.


imnotreel t1_jckcc6t wrote

>targetting and arresting someone for insulting his family

That would be bad indeed, but he didn't do that.


EmptyCalories t1_jckfsby wrote

>Sgt. Adam Plantinga said he saw a man peeing in public about a year ago and told him to knock it off, and the man responded with some “choice words” about the officer’s mother and cursed at him, according to the officer’s tweet.
>“Saw him today and ran a wanted check. Behold, a felony warrant. So now he’s in the clink …” the tweet added.
>"Say what you want about me, but you malign my mother and it's on. Kathleen Fay Plantinga is a light in this world."

A little of column A and a little of column B.


ChemtrailExpert t1_jclke47 wrote

He wouldn’t have ran the warrant check if the guy hadn’t insulted his mother and to be honest, a cop will be able to find something you are doing that is illegal 100% of the time.