Submitted by yjee t3_121a6gp in nottheonion
mamawantsallama t1_jdl6wa4 wrote
Seems legit
stingring_vagblaster t1_jdl8j7c wrote
Phoenix Wright doesn't look so silly now
[deleted] t1_jdl8vp7 wrote
TheLittlestTiefling t1_jdl9s2c wrote
witness testimony music intensifies
Ugluduckie t1_jdl9zn6 wrote
Don’t forget dl-6!
stopmakingsents t1_jdlaou7 wrote
Bird law, etc
RogerMiller6 t1_jdlawjv wrote
Jesus is watching you…. Braaaaawk!
HopeFox t1_jdld4z1 wrote
Cute story, but the bird didn't give "testimony", it was just a lead for the investigation.
jimi15 t1_jdldyfv wrote
Wasnt this a Tintin plot? Fiction becoming real.
AaronMcScarin t1_jdlgdgt wrote
We need an expert on bird law for a case like this…
mykidlikesdinosaurs t1_jdlm25p wrote
It was the plumber.
SaintBanquo t1_jdlosev wrote
I love when something makes me think about the fact Von Karma must have stayed up all night furiously retraining that parrot's responses.
Its so silly, and it brings me so much joy to this day.
squishopotamus t1_jdm69zr wrote
I knew I got the right pet
Septopuss7 t1_jdmaiwv wrote
I really hope they used one of those itty bitty bibles to swear him in
biff444444 t1_jdmn2u0 wrote
"Polly want a felony."
[deleted] t1_jdmra9l wrote
mybustlinghedgerow t1_jdn4wo2 wrote
“Leo, no!”
[deleted] t1_jdnhm6l wrote
TrashMammal84 t1_jdnkjtq wrote
By bird law, birds only answer questions with more questions.
DrRadd t1_jdnnbep wrote
Waldo from Twin Peaks
Zorothegallade t1_jdnsgbv wrote
Don't forget DL-6!
zephyredx t1_jdnteo1 wrote
ibond32 t1_jdntroo wrote
What are the chances that I'm literally watching the Ace Attorney anime for the first time ever litterally as I scrolled past this. Just finished episode 12 too...
EndOfTheLine00 t1_jdob2zl wrote
Underneath that smug ass smile he is secretly thinking "God, I'm sleepy"
AmeriToast t1_jdoiomj wrote
Defense: Objection!
Parrot: Objection!
Judge : I am going to have to side with the parrot on this one
TobiasMasonPark t1_jdoj3j3 wrote
I don’t speak parrot, but I know a bit of pigeon, so hopefully it translates.
Heineken008 t1_jdpb7wr wrote
Yep the dude confessed.
AhRedditAhHumanity t1_jdq4muw wrote
Twin peaks did this in the 80s
PM_ME_YOUR_GREYJOYS t1_jdl3x1m wrote
Black Mirror: Crocodile 2: Electric Cockatoo