Submitted by kangarooturd t3_121swjs in nottheonion
warrant2k t1_jdo9gkm wrote
Still not a drag queen.
monkeysandmicrowaves t1_jdpjxbf wrote
Conservatives don't actually give a fuck about people's welfare or safety, they just want to live in their right-wing alternate reality where they and people like them never do anything bad, and the only bad stuff happens far away to and by those filthy "other" people. And they're willing to sweep every god damn thing they can't blame on the "other people" under the rug to keep pretending, no matter how many actual real-world problems it causes.
[deleted] t1_jdqsdge wrote
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[deleted] t1_jdr9day wrote
Alaskabear-235 t1_jdqqd22 wrote
Red team bad, blue team good… hate to break it to you. There’s evil on both sides
CoLuMn1 t1_jdquurw wrote
i mean, they never implied there wasn't. as of the past few decades though, the right has gotten a very good track record of deflecting blame of school shootings, molestation, and sexual assault onto marginalized groups, rather than the majority-rightwing groups who actually commit the majority of those crimes.
that is a real issue, and whataboutism doesn't help it. yes democrats are evil, a lot of us know that already. they're just marginally less evil
[deleted] t1_jdr4alr wrote
Alaskabear-235 t1_jds92yg wrote
How do you really know that they are less evil? Your “news”? These politicians do favors for each other weather they are red or blue, doesn’t matter to them. The left owns most all of the media so info on corruption on the left is suppressed or forgotten. The “little people “ who are Conservatives DO care about peoples welfare and safety or they wouldn’t donate so much to help others. “True Christians do that as do many liberals or atheists. As for the these churches that support priests that do the unspeakable. They work against Jesus.
MommySo t1_jdsm928 wrote
lol, fuckin' loon.
Alaskabear-235 t1_jdsnvwd wrote
Ok Mommyso, your an inspiration. You like to bully people online. That’s your thing huh?
MommySo t1_jdso44j wrote
Nah, just like pointing out loons.
WalterTexasRanger326 t1_jeb0z9p wrote
Elon levels of pathetic right here lmao
CoLuMn1 t1_jdvd4e3 wrote
i am a leftist, i do not follow mainstream media, so your critiques fall on mostly deaf ears. also, we literally have no left wing in America, so i have no fucking idea what you're on about.
every single foreigner I know has a Labor party or other left party in their country, while we have parties that they would consider to be "center-right" and "far-right", respectively.
until you learn the difference between "left" and "liberal" (as they are so different that I can nearly guarantee I hate Democrats as much or more than you do), probably don't use the phrase "left" at all. you sound like you don't know what you're talking about at the moment.
Alaskabear-235 t1_je4rnkj wrote
Pretty easy to prove my point. Every talking point any major news outlet swings to the left except for fox who also does the same at times. I don’t need to provide any articles from some journalist that’s being paid by George Soros under the table. It’s “obvious”, just take your blinders off and look. If you want a source,, world economic forum’s website. You can poke fun at me all you want but it’s scary. These are not good people. Everything Klaus Shwab wants he gets. I’ll prove it, if I’m right we will be moving to a cashless society within the next few years and if not I will admit that I am wrong. Of course you and I probably won’t be communicating by then. It’s not about politics, it’s about power and surveillance over us. If the voting process still works I’m voting for the corrupt politician that stands farthest from the government digital coin.
CoLuMn1 t1_je83b37 wrote
those are some great claims, but you didn't provide an example of a major news outlet that supports the common leftist ideal I mentioned. if someone doesn't believe that ideal, they are not a leftist.
i say this only because you seem to have been conditioned to fear all vaguely-progressive media, regardless of what it says... I'm not sure why you linked to the world economic forum, or what I'm supposed to be scared of thats on there?
kek I have yet to see someone unironically say that George Soros funds everything. that's hilarious. first time for everything
Alaskabear-235 t1_je8kjas wrote
Ok, political scientists and other analysts regard the left as: anarchists, communists, socialists, democratic socialists, social democrats, left liberations, progressives and social liberals, movements for racial equality, trade unionism.
Swing to the left Jan 2023 edition : CNN, VOX, NBC,MSMBC, TMZ and more
My main point is that the news and politics is using people, turning them on to one another, distracting them from the real issue. Our cash will die when we switch to the only digital currency that’ll be considered money. A central government coin. Everyone will be controlled. You want to buy food, get rid of all of everything we don’t agree with. It’s where we’re headed, I hope Klaus Shwaub fails and I wrong about all of this. China desires data more than money so I’ve heard, I’m sure it’s the same with other countries including ours.
Alaskabear-235 t1_jdzx7iu wrote
You might not know what the F your talking about… your words in the same paragraph “I’m a leftist, we literally have no left wing in America “ No, I do NOT hate democrats, I have many friends who are. You assume much my friend. It might be that you need to hate others less and tone down that bloated ego.
CoLuMn1 t1_je2smpm wrote
I thought it was obvious, but I meant that there is no organized left wing in America. we have no leftist party, no leftist senators, we have never had a leftist president, we don't even have mainstream left-wing media. there are many citizens who support leftist ideas, but we have no unified "left wing" by any stretch of the imagination, which is what I was trying to say.
you seem to believe that there are left-wing media sources though, and that they in fact "own most all of the media"! that's great to hear! I'd greatly appreciate it if you could point me to any of these. for each one you find, give me one article where they claim the following, which, according to emeritus professor of economics Barry Clark, is the most common tenet of leftist philosophies: > that human development flourishes when individuals engage in cooperative, mutually respectful relations that can thrive only when excessive differences in status, power, and wealth are eliminated.
Depth_Charger69 t1_jdqwy5m wrote
Take one enemy at a time, nor you will get defeated by both sides.
[deleted] t1_jdr2dip wrote
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PrettiKinx t1_jdpfld4 wrote
the-zoidberg t1_jdphx5n wrote
Not with that attitude!
[deleted] t1_jdpraw2 wrote
[deleted] t1_jdr17se wrote
hognuts73 t1_jdql5gg wrote
Sure isn’t, is there a group that somebody that has sex within their gender falls into?
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