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t1_jefbadb wrote

What a crock of shit. It definitely wasn't that. People don't spend 3 days prepping/buying ammo and sneaking in guns to a hotel room to just open fire on a concert because they didn't get a penthouse...


I'm just gonna file this one under B...for bullshit.


t1_jefc8nn wrote

After 6 years this was the best fake motive they could come up with to hide the true motive I guess.


t1_jefeywf wrote

They did the same thing here in Virginia beach when a city employee went on a shooting rampage and killed a bunch of co-workers. They said they didn't know why he did it, even tho they really did and didn't want to admit they were racist and took away his pension.

These guys wrote a manifesto... but hey, let's not mention any of that.


t1_jegg8ab wrote

This one gets to me. I do not support conspiratorial thinking, but this one irks me after all this time.

From the Wikipedia article "He had researched large-scale venues in cities such as Boston since at least May 2017,[10] and had reserved a room overlooking the August 2017 Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, but did not use it.[11]"

So... he was researching large concerts months before the shooting, in places that have nothing to do with casinos...

Whatever the real story is with this shooting, we don't have it.

"A report published by the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in January 2019 said that "there was no single or clear motivating factor" for the shooting.[77]"

The Behavioral Analysis Unit is serious business and if anyone could find a motive it would be them.

Some background (from the little we have) on the shooter is strange "He was a son of Benjamin Paddock, a bank robber who was on the FBI's most-wanted list between 1969 and 1977.[92]"

And the weirdest thing to me: "Investigators found hidden surveillance cameras that were placed inside and outside the hotel room, presumably so Paddock could monitor the arrival of others.[67] The cameras were not in record mode.[68] Police said a handwritten note found in the room indicated Paddock had been calculating the distance, wind, and trajectory from his 32nd floor hotel suite to the concertgoers he was targeting on the festival lot.

So some dude, who was pictured at a womens march in a vagina hat, is setting up monitoring devices, calculating wind & trajectory to perpetrate this... for what? If he had a manifesto, we haven't seen it. We've seen more footage from the shooting 2 days ago.