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t1_ir03ice wrote

Well, I guess Denmark, Sweden, Livona, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, et all should be queuing up to accept reparations from Poland then right?


t1_ir08sb7 wrote

Well, at least with Sweden and Russia if there was any agreement about the reparations, both of them would have much, much more to pay Poland than Poland them.

I don't recall any conflict with Denmark that could result in reparations from Poland. Similarly with Estonia and Latvia. Livonia isn't even a country.


t1_ir03pjy wrote

Can't speak to those as I don't know their situation or history.


t1_ir043hd wrote

I mean, the internet exists. However, just from the context of the discussion one could easily surmise that Poland invaded and destroyed at least part of the aforementioned nations.


t1_ir05dct wrote

I am not going to go researching Polish history just because someone said "YEAH BUT POLISH HISTORY" in a comment of mine that was not referring to Polish history.

Thanks for the suggestion though, this internet thing looks pretty wild.


t1_ir05tgw wrote

Seems like you should do at least some cursory research into a nation's history before commenting on said nation's history because it makes you look either lazy or stupid, but what do I know?


t1_ir07lqq wrote

>commenting on said nation's history


> in a comment of mine that was not referring to Polish history.

>but what do I know?

I'm sure you know a lot of things and that's very impressive considering reading was not an option for you.


t1_ir080ig wrote

"They have been, because they're owed."

Is literally a comment about the history of the nations represented in this discussion. Poland is the main topic of this discussion.


t1_ir08aob wrote

OK I'm sure more qualified teachers have tried this before but here it goes:

>If they give them a cent of that, imagine the countries that'll also be queuing for those sweet, sweet deutschmarks

Can you identify who is "them" in this sentence?

Can you determine whether "them" is included in "the countries that'll also be queuing"?

>They have been, because they're owed.

Can you identify what they "have been" doing, in this reply to the first sentence?

Best of luck.


t1_ir090ps wrote

I see the miscommunication. I read: They [the Germans] have been [giving them cents], because they're [the Polish] owed.

Is this why some people are so upset by pronouns?


t1_ir0931g wrote

I call taksie backsies on my snark towards you.


t1_ir09rlt wrote

I do as well, I apologize for my disparaging comments and I see how the miscommunication occurred.


>Is this why some people are so upset by pronouns?

10/10, no notes.