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diamened t1_iraxcjx wrote

Because it worked so well all the times it was tried, right? RIGHT?


anonymousbach t1_irb9ybf wrote

Look just because it's failed miserably all the times people have tried this before doesn't mean it won't be a roaring success this time.


nonlawyer t1_irbn9fy wrote

He should simply make it illegal for this to fail. Duh.

Man this economy stuff’s easy, idk why we’re always listening to those eggheads with degrees


Hadren-Blackwater t1_irbxsa8 wrote

>He should simply make it illegal for this to fail. Duh.

>Man this economy stuff’s easy, idk why we’re always listening to those eggheads with degrees

Some barely literate soviet peasants want to talk to you.


Heliolord t1_irbhgd0 wrote

You don't understand! Those previous attempts weren't real! This time they'll get it right! They're way smarter and not corrupt like all those people who tried it before.


Hadren-Blackwater t1_irbvni5 wrote

>Because it worked so well all the times it was tried, right? RIGHT?

"ThATs nOt reAL coMmuNiSm/sOCialiSm"


Iskar2206 t1_ireqzku wrote

Maybe not the best time to start mocking people when it's your side doing the stupid thing at the moment.