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misdirected_asshole t1_irid9xf wrote

The legality of your business has nothing to do with whether the lease is valid. They should go ahead and pack up because they will be getting kicked out and shut down soon.


AlsoNotTheMamma t1_irimuaa wrote

>The legality of your business has nothing to do with whether the lease is valid.

No, but if the federal government doesn't recognise the legality of your company - I.E. they consider it to be an illegal entity - they cannot regulate it.

I don't think that argument will work in this instance, but it should be enough to get them a hearing.


misdirected_asshole t1_iriqfvu wrote

If you are running an illegal daycare out of your apartment, that's got nothing to do with whether you have to pay your lease. Enforcing a lease isn't regulating a company.

Edit: also if this is a registered business that pays state and federal taxes then it's going to be hard to defend this being an unregulated illegal business.


Vroomped t1_irisaty wrote

If your landlord rented to you _because_ youre running an illegal day care it has everything to do with the lease.
Especially if you offered illegal day care under the table and the landlord isn't holding up their end.


misdirected_asshole t1_irivkbq wrote

Yeah but this lease isn't predicated on it being an illegal business. They are trying to find some loopholes for being deadbeats.


Vroomped t1_irjiosn wrote

The law on leases is predicated on it not being an illegal business