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t1_irwex01 wrote

"BuT aNdRoId Is ToO cOmPLiCaTeD fOr Me"


t1_irwkp7f wrote

Why do you wrap your identity up in which Megacorporation you buy buy your shitty, overpriced, but sadly necessary device from?


t1_irz00nv wrote

You tell em! Clearly you have correctly inferred that this commenter associates their identity with their choice of cell phone manufacturers.


t1_is09m1x wrote

Overpriced? Given the capabilities of your average smartphone, they're astonishingly cheap for what they are.


t1_is0ahv6 wrote

Based on what metric? The constant need to replace them due to built in obscelecence? The pay of the workers how make it? The ones who mine the rare minerals? Or just the massive profits that the Corporation and it's CEOs glean off it?


t1_is0c39x wrote

They'd have been a supercomputer twenty years ago, and magic forty years ago. They're an astonishing piece of technology.

Also, I tend to get a good few years out of a phone, and tend to retire them because of drop damage. I don't know what planned obsolescence you're talking about.


t1_is0cu3u wrote

You're not aware of planned obscelecence... But you still argue. Look it up. And you still think it's about cost when Apple is posting record profits... You need to I form yourself before arguing based on emotions and not facts.


t1_is2bcoq wrote

You've shown no evidence whatsoever to back up your claims here.


t1_is3aiy7 wrote

I don't need to show evidence. They are literally passing laws against it. It's common knowledge. If you can't be arsed to google it, then it's on you if you're ignorant to common facts.


t1_is3kc80 wrote

Once again, making claims with nothing to back it up.

Who? What laws? Has anyone been caught doing it?


t1_isiz3tl wrote

Again. Yes. They have. It's called Google, Captain Dunning Krueger