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Xaero_Hour t1_iubjcdu wrote

None of those are excuses. They're what happened.


boogerfact OP t1_iubmdy4 wrote

Seriously. It's like saying "Charles Manson is a psychopath" is making excuses for him.


Moist-Diarrhea t1_iubo0gx wrote

Also, “a messy public divorce”? He was the one who made it “messy”.


v8dreaming t1_iubr24q wrote

No one said he didn't.


Moist-Diarrhea t1_iuc51ab wrote

What I meant was, the person said his messy divorce caused him to act out - when he was the one who caused the divorce in the first place.


throwaway15642578 t1_iucdr7l wrote

It’s like a feedback loop. His fault but that doesn’t mean it didn’t make it worse


Richizzle439 t1_iudj2ps wrote

When did they remove blame from the messy divorce? They said it was a factor in these episodic rants he’s been having not that the divorce was someone else’s fault.


Sir-Kevly t1_iudbr88 wrote

Divorces are messy for everyone involved, especially when kids are part of the picture.


Picasso5 t1_iubsy6d wrote

Well, in his defense, it WAS a Kardashian.
