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Mayor__Defacto t1_iv9d3nw wrote

Err? What? Lol. The SAT test is not endorsed by or required by any government agency. There is no law that says it must be administered on the same day everywhere in the nation. There is no law that says it must be administered at all. There is also not even a law that says the score must be used as part of university admissions.

It is, however, typically offered on Saturdays.


Minuted t1_iv9iup1 wrote

In the UK SATs are more like final tests of a student's time in one of two "key stages" in primary school, and previously also in year 9 (age 13 or 14 or so, "key stage 3"). They're mandated by the curriculum and used to assess a student's progress.

Why they'd think we were discussing UK education I don't know, but I think what they said would be correct in regards to UK SATS. Maybe they saw "SAT", thought of the only SATs they knew of and jumped the gun a bit?