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myops_rock t1_ivged9d wrote

> In her third day on the job, according to the lawsuit, Stewart reached out to the Division of Administrative Services in the governor’s office about the difference.

This woman accepted a position and was complaining about her compensation by the third day on the job? Just wow. Of course they exited her ASAP. If you’ve gone sour on compensation in three days you’re just going to be one headache after another.


artcook32945 t1_ivghe1s wrote

One would think that the salary should be the same as for the women who had the job before her. She got no clear reason as to why it was not. One women was Black. The other White. Let us see what is said in Court.


myops_rock t1_ivgine3 wrote

Why would you expect your salary to be the same as a prior employee? Do you have identical experience and talents? Do you merit an identical salary? Frankly, it seems unlikely.

When you’re raising a stink about the compensation you accepted after three days on the job you are a problem hire. You will be one problem after another. Firing such an employee is a smart move.


artcook32945 t1_ivgq8ml wrote

As was stated, they gave her no clear reason for the lower amount. What was she told before she accepted? Lots of unanswered questions. I think they will be answered in Court.