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P7BinSD t1_ivtjeqj wrote

No one talks like that.


Thisisnowmyname t1_ivtjqwv wrote

Just because you've never heard it doesn't mean people don't use it lol


SanctimoniousApe t1_ivtnbi4 wrote

Because you're the authority on English-speakers the world over. 🙄


P7BinSD t1_ivtnfro wrote

Name checks out.


SanctimoniousApe t1_ivtnvnf wrote

Yep, never heard that one before. Now go read my profile to see what it's about. Maybe you'll learn something about yourself (admittedly unlikely).


AdoggeWokePupper t1_ivzvpsf wrote

It’s similar to using “seldom” instead of “rarely”.

“I seldom use the word “seldom” to refer to doing things rarely.”

If you ask me, I think it sounds terribly lousy.