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bleepbloorpmeepmorp t1_iwj1bey wrote

farming critters in such horrific, intensive conditions is how we get ecological disasters


Malumeze86 t1_iwj3tx7 wrote

I'm pretty sure this one is on the asshole who let them out.


Underlord_Fox t1_iwjm8h0 wrote

I’m going with ‘It takes two to Tango’ on this one. Can’t release 50,000 Mink if no one has 50,000 mink all in the same spot.


Pro_Yankee t1_iwjjwkx wrote



Stryker2279 t1_iwjxlcw wrote

So when those mink destroy the local wildlife and drive species to extinction, collapsing the local ecology and eventually all those mink just starve because they've outcompeted the local wildlife, what then? Is that dipshit still a Saint?

Don't be stupid. Don't solve one problem by creating a far worse problem.


Neighthirst t1_iwkiprl wrote

I'm all for preventing animal abuse but releasing them to the wild wasn't the way to go about it, by doing so they've caused far more death and suffering than they prevented (including for the minks which are likely to either cannibalize each other or starve to death)


DeusVultMister t1_iwkewln wrote

So release them and create an ecological disaster anyways? You don't seem very smart...


NeilDeWheel t1_iwlsa0r wrote

I the uk 6,000 mink were released in 1998, with a further 2,000 a few months later. Two thousand were immediately round up but another two thousand were either run over by cars, shot or starved. The remainder killed people’s pets and chickens, birds in sanctuaries. They also killed many wild birds and animals.

This type of animal rights activism is highly irresponsible and does not do their cause any good.



Nathund t1_iwlbzkn wrote

I mean... no not at all.

Sure it's disastrous for the animal being farmed (because they die and then get skinned), but it doesn't really affect the surrounding area.

At least, nowhere near as much as releasing them so they kill every single rodent and bird in like a 1,500 mile radius


bleepbloorpmeepmorp t1_iwnrxju wrote


Nathund t1_iwobsdo wrote

No, frankly I just don't care much about the suffering of animals.

And it doesn't change the fact that releasing these animals does considerably more harm than farming them ever could.


bleepbloorpmeepmorp t1_iws1nub wrote

>frankly I just don't care much about the suffering of animals.

well, that makes this convo easy lol thanks man I'm done


Nathund t1_iwymcjb wrote

Yeah man, you're right, you've really convinced me to care about farmed animals more.

Gonna go eat a burger because you made me read this