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LowRepresentative291 t1_ix1ucsu wrote

Nah man. Completely different experience.


Irion15 t1_ix1ux0c wrote

Everything he said sounds exactly like a Molly high, and I'm not talking about the random pills you get at a rave. I also don't feel like fighting someone while on Molly. Molly wins imo.


kjpmi t1_ix3n7m1 wrote

They’re different highs.
MDMA (talking about the pure stuff, not the stuff cut with amphetamine or methamphetamine) give me more of a strong, warm, cozy, but intense feeling all over my body. And it comes in waves. There are some perceptual changes (nothing like MDA, although mixing MDA and MDMA is nice) which cocaine doesn’t have at all. Like I really like the audio changes I get with MDMA. It’s like I can feel sound somehow. Sounds seem more profound. Like listening to music on MDMA can be such a profound experience.
Coke (and again, talking about just the uncut stuff) can be a little more subtle actually. You just have a generally good feeling but in your head. Any physical side effects don’t tend to be warm and cozy like MDMA.

Both can be great highs depending on how much you take, on setting, etc.

Edit: and this probably comes down to the main receptors each drug targets. MDMA mainly works on serotonin receptors. Cocaine mainly works on dopamine receptors.


limiter303 t1_ix23gyc wrote

You’re also going to absolutely wreck your brain if you do molly more than once every ~3 months


Irion15 t1_ix23umv wrote

I never said to do it like crazy lol. I know about moderation, and always try to make sure everyone else in my circle does too. I'm also the one making sure everyone drinks a little water while partying 😂 Sadly, those days are long over though. No trustworthy supply nowadays.


kjpmi t1_ix3nsq5 wrote

MDMA is probably not neurotoxic at recreational doses. That was a myth perpetuated for a long time.
There’s evidence that MDA, though, is probably slightly neurotoxic. MDA is more of a psychedelic high and can be rougher on you and the come down is definitely worse than MDMA.


limiter303 t1_ix3s038 wrote

I would be interested to see studies that prove that MDMA is not neurotoxic.

Regardless, frequent users are eventually going to experience chronic depression and cognitive issues.


kjpmi t1_ix3st1a wrote

Well, my understanding is that the data is not conclusive. Some evidence was found in rat studies but that doesn’t always translate to humans.
Here is a retracted study that tried to claim dopamine neurotoxicity from just one dose of MDMA in primates. It turns out they accidentally gave them methamphetamine instead of MDMA. retracted study