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myBisL2 t1_ix2agp9 wrote

Sure, that's an option. But if you've dropped thousands, of which not all is likely to be refundable, that is a hard pill to swallow. It's a no win situation. Stay and be denied the experience you were promised, or leave and lose thousands for flights you didn't need to take and potentially other costs that aren't refundable and miss out on this major event you were looking forward to. Either way I'd still be mad as hell.


MyDudeNak t1_ix2b00o wrote

If someone is paying to go to Qatar to support the world cup, I'm just laughing at them getting upset over the lack of beer. Schadenfreude is calling.


myBisL2 t1_ix2bonz wrote

I mean, I personally haven't, but if I had the beer would be the icing on the cake of everything else that has transpired. But also, if you pay for a premium experience I don't think it's ridiculous to want to receive what was promised. My husband and I enjoy fine dining. If I book a reservation with a fine dining restaurant and I am dropping a wad of cash I otherwise wouldn't normally for a premium experience and after I showed up they said oh, we know we said you'd get x and that's a standard part of the experience but too bad, you can live without it, I would not be happy about that. Again, it's not the end of the world, but it is an expected and promised part of the experience. I see no reason why it is silly to be upset that at the last minute you're being told you can just live without it in such a flippant manner.


MyDudeNak t1_ix3tnhk wrote

Its silly because they thought they were actually going to get special treatment in Qatar of all places, and it's funny because they deserve the shit experience even if they shelled out a ton of money.