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splittingheirs t1_ix67yzs wrote

Trademark protection is one of those things that requires companies to constantly challenge others over ownership of their Trademark. If a single case of trademark infringement goes unchallenged then the company can lose their right to the trademark entirely and irrevocably. This is what happend to Mcdonalds and BigMacs in the EU, though in their case they challenged it but couldn't be assed to do their due dilligence in presenting their case.


theedgeofoblivious t1_ix6ab8n wrote

I'm not debating what the law is, and I'm not interested in debating what the law is.

I understand that the law mandates the idea of defending ownership of trademarks.

That doesn't change the fact that this is a dumb lawsuit.

Sometimes dumb lawsuits refer to dumb laws underlying them.

These are dog toys, not food products. They don't compete with the food products, and they come with explicit notices on them indicating that they're not affiliated with or produced by the makers of the products they bear some resemblance to.

The fact that there's any question about the legality of these products is a travesty.