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nowhereman1223 t1_ixi6zgh wrote

>Cars are closer together when they stop than when they’re moving. There might not be room to move over.

Well that is the problem then.

You should always leave room to move over. Being too close is how grid lock happens when one car has an issue and becomes immobile.

But the car in front moves forward and to the shoulder a bit and everyone else does the same.


Wiley_Applebottom t1_ixjfodd wrote

"X is how gridlock happens!"

I'll be sure to tell H.P. Movinstuff, the guy in charge of those things.


BlooperHero t1_ixla0w6 wrote

If everyone leaves room to move over, stopped traffic takes up the entire road anyway and the ambulance can never get through.

You think multiple lanes of traffic can all fit in the shoulder, which is generally smaller than one of the lanes? It's not physically possible--and that's where there is a shoulder at all.

And still not helpful at all for cars stopped at a red light who have nowhere to go. Cars can't just move sideways, they always have to go forwards unless they're moving backwards.


misconceptions_annoy t1_ixm8te2 wrote

They can’t move directly sideways. They need to move at least partly forward to move.

Changing the lights is a great idea, because all the cars that are in the way now have room to move forward so they can pull over.