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imafraidofmuricans t1_ixilac5 wrote

We just put a loud blinky thing on the emergency vehicles and let them ignore red lights when it's on, and made the law so everyone else have to give way.

But sure. Fancy traffic lights.


F1shermanIvan t1_ixitdoj wrote

Having driven cars with loud sirens and blinky lights, you'd be amazed at how many people don't see them, don't move, and don't care that you're trying to get somewhere quickly.


nowhereman1223 t1_iy7ypp7 wrote

And this is the problem.

Those people.

Not the full traffic light system.


Randomperson1362 t1_ixisn26 wrote

The issue is, they get stuck in traffic, that is slow to move out of the way.

Sometimes it can go into opposing traffic, sometimes it can't. But having a green light for the direction it's going would often speed it up.