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TroutComplex t1_iy0eptu wrote

Lead is all natural.


[deleted] t1_iy0frph wrote



SlicerStopSlicing t1_iy0j6dg wrote

Cobra venom and tetrodotoxin.


CodsWhallop t1_iy0llt4 wrote

Tobacco, cannabis, and cocaine.


a_lonely_trash_bag t1_iy0mo3q wrote



mitkase t1_iy34snt wrote

That sounded more like QOTSA than Anthrax, but I could be wrong.


big_sugi t1_iy1vg39 wrote

Cocaine is heavily processed; it’s not all natural. But the other two are just as God made them, so smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em, I guess.


os101so t1_iy5jrt7 wrote

Cocaine is actually supernatural.

The leaves are natural but the refined product is fucking super.


ShadowDragon8685 t1_iy0obsd wrote

One of those is not like the others. It is medically impossible to overdose on one of them.


Avery_Thorn t1_iy0teft wrote

There are a few people who are allergic (as in anaphylactic shock deadly allergic) to it though… It is fairly rare but not unheard of.


demonzanth t1_iy150rz wrote

Some people are allergic to protein. As in, deadly allergic. To meat.


big_sugi t1_iy1w0ne wrote

The Lone Star tick can create allergies to nonprimate mammalian meat and leather. So i guess monkey stew and roast Long pig are still on the menu?


Queen_Cheetah t1_iy27bos wrote

Wait, non-primate mammalian meat?! Who the heck figured that out, how, and WHY?!


big_sugi t1_iy281r2 wrote

Beats me; I thought it was just beef and bovine leather. But Wikipedia says what I repeated.


ShadowDragon8685 t1_iy1sa4c wrote

This is true, but we don't classify peanuts and tree nuts as, let me check here, a Schedule 1 drug, which, let me check the DEA here...

> has a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision.

All of which statements are either blatantly false in the absurd, I mean "two plus three equals thirteen, also the sky is neon-green and water is the driest substance known to mankind" false, or are misleading in that the exact same statement applies to alcohol and tobacco.


PurifyZ t1_iy1fbq6 wrote

I prefer toad venom thank u very much! If it's good enough for Mike Tyson, then it's good enough for me 😂


Ready_Bandicoot1567 t1_iy4v31w wrote

tetrodotoxin scares the crap out of me. Ive been catching/handling/releasing california newts in a local pond for years (gently, with clean wet hands). One day I looked them up, turns out they are LOADED with tetrodotoxin due to an evolutionary arms race with a type of garter snake that eats them.


SlicerStopSlicing t1_iy50p7u wrote

I had no idea they were in newts. Was this a North American species?


Ready_Bandicoot1567 t1_iy64j9o wrote

Taricha torosa, California newt. Other species of Taricha also have tetrodotoxin. As far as I know their range is restricted to the pacific northwest.


os101so t1_iy5jjin wrote

Iocaine powder, however, is an unnatural poison that you cannot smell nor taste.

Shall we see who is right, and who is dead? Let the game begin


zerostar83 t1_iy4ykzo wrote

Which is also why it's advertised and sold as children's medicine under the alternative medicine known as homeopathy.


-Tesserex- t1_iy1luzj wrote

It's apparently due to a dot of solder on the bottom of the cup. Who isn't using lead free solder by now anyway? How could you be so dumb?


The_White_Light OP t1_iy1qplf wrote

> Who isn’t using lead free solder by now anyway?

Iirc, lead-free solder was the cause of so many failures of XBOX360s. The heat-cycling of specific components would cause the solder to become brittle, and connections would fail.


GetlostMaps t1_iy29fl7 wrote

It's great you can eat xboxes safely though.

Probably should unplug it first.


os101so t1_iy5k3r7 wrote

only the solder was edible out of the box. the silicon and plastic parts need to be boiled before consumption


Raichu7 t1_iy3n0ic wrote

So long as the people manufacturing Xboxes had appropriate PPE to keep them safe from lead fumes, no one is going to be ingesting lead from Xboxes. Baby bottles on the other hand need to be made from food safe products only.


r_a_d_ t1_iy2u2k9 wrote

Yeah, I don't think Xbox is a relevant example.


off_the_cuff_mandate t1_iy39a9k wrote

Military still uses lead solder in many applications. Lead solder joints don't crack from thermal cycling and don't develop tin whiskers.


chronous3 t1_iy39r7r wrote

I use lead solder on my old game consoles, but as a hobbyist who only solders every great once in a while.

I also always have a fan going to make sure the fumes are blown away from me while doing it.


strangehitman22 t1_iy1elce wrote

And the company will face 0 consequences


marker8050 t1_iy2lfnc wrote

Damn am i glad i don't have babies. No wonder nobody wants to have kids anymore


Raichu7 t1_iy3mqw2 wrote

Lead, the all natural sugar free sweetener!


dbernard456 t1_iy3g58z wrote

Holy shit how can you let that happen


qwerfdsacxz t1_iy3jdl6 wrote

Tamara Rubin lead tests many products as a mom blogger intensely interested in the problems of lead exposure in children. She notified Green Sprouts' parent company and was rewarded with a cease and desist letter and threats of legal action against her.

Consumers have to be intensely aware of where their childrens' products are coming from because you can't trust these corporations, no matter how green they market themselves.


mr78rpm t1_iy2ao8g wrote

First, let me say that I'm a parent, and my kids have survived me into their forties with no health problems. Now read the description carefully. Then notice that the possible offender in the cup is described as a dot. This dot has some (small amount) of lead in it. So a spot that has a dot is the problem? Why, no! The problem is that if the cup breaks apart, a person MAY come into contact with this dot. Any decent, or even quarter-decent parent would remove a broken cup from a child's hand.

So there's a recall over a dot on a spot, maybe touched by a tot, which, as problems go, in my book, is not.

I didn't start with the rhyme, really. It just happened.


Drackar39 t1_iy2gm48 wrote

You know that your generation, and mine, has a significantly lower IQ due to your generations abuse of lead in fucking everything, right?

So I fully realize that it's not full your fault that you're a fucking idiot about lead poisoning. But dude.


hairyorange t1_iy2ubaw wrote

I'm no expert but I feel like even a dot of lead in a baby cup is too much lead. And besides, it's not just about one dot—it's the risk of further or even worse contamination in other products from the same manufacturers.