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OftheSorrowfulFace t1_iybvtyi wrote

Yeah, they're just going to run a registration drive at CPAC or a Proud boys rally

Edit - They've been ordered to register in low-income neighborhoods of Washington, D.C, but I'm sure Wohl will be up to his usual bullshit.


LiveOnFive t1_iye3qic wrote

What did the residents of DC do to deserve being treated like shit by these goons?


Mountaingiraffe t1_iyeam7d wrote

You know. These goons might finally be in contact with the people they hate. Only way to stop hating people is getting to know them. Might actually do some good


ilikedota5 t1_iyewspf wrote

That was the takeaway from the Robbers cave experiment. That exposure to others can destroy outgroup bias. When the two groups of boys were assigned cooperative games, they stopped hating each other and saw they were just there to have fun at a summer camp too.


ACaffeinatedWandress t1_iyeqvez wrote

Having lived in the DC area, I would strongly caution those douchebags against pissing off low income residents of that area.

They might find that the world is less kind to spoilt cis-gendered white dudes who do nothing but brew bullshit in some places than others.