Submitted by assignpseudonym t3_z8uvch in nottheonion
Graphic_Materialz t1_iyddxvw wrote
Anyone know to what state law she referred that requires them to approve these equipments? Sounds like bullshit to me—CA has a state law requiring police departments to approve the use of lethal, autonomous, equipment? I don’t remember reading about that law.
EmmaLouLove t1_iydeoc0 wrote
Have they never seen The Terminator Rise of the Machines? Wait for it. They’re gonna go full on precog in the near future.
EarlyInsurance7557 t1_iydff8m wrote
"robots" most likely are drones. And when he says explosives. They plan to tie a small explosive charge onto a drone and smash it into people. A lot more low tech than some "robot"
FawksyBoxes t1_iyea6bu wrote
Please put down your weapon you have 20 seconds to comply
boygriv t1_iyepv3c wrote
I read that as "possi-blye" go wrong.
Caerau t1_iyeq7az wrote
I saw that when I was about 8. That scene still bothers me to this day :D
ur_friendly_friend t1_iyeu1d9 wrote
We were either gonna be the Jetsons or the terminator in this particular simulation..
slashfromgunsnroses t1_iyexlx0 wrote
How come ctrl+f robocop turns up 0 results?
ShimeMiller t1_iyddjlo wrote
What could possibly go wrong