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epic_meme_guy t1_j0dug6e wrote

He also told the teller to hit the alarm. He wanted to go to jail for whatever reason.


Tyrantt_47 t1_j0dxnce wrote

>He wanted to go to jail for whatever reason.

It's winter and cold outside. Jail will give him a warm place to sleep and food to eat. It's probably a better option than trying to survive a cold winter


unicornasaurous OP t1_j0duvnz wrote

>During a police interview, Wilson said he planned the robbery and had stopped at Chipotle next door to use the restroom because he was nervous, the document stated.


[deleted] t1_j0duyph wrote



Llenette1 t1_j0hxw9g wrote

I...didn't think about that. Well I'm sure the cavity check is gonna EXTRA thorough now.