Submitted by Exastiken t3_zs0lhc in nottheonion
Blestick t1_j16ggrg wrote
I thought it was 7 DUIs in 2022, but no, that's just in the last TWO WEEKS!
TossPowerTrap t1_j16tq10 wrote
"Officers driving under the influence while off-duty has been a persistent problem at the LAPD for many years, blamed by some department insiders on wildly inconsistent punishments for officers caught-in-the-act..."
You don't say.
Phelpysan t1_j17za98 wrote
Cops not facing charges for the crimes they commit and subsequently committing more crimes? Who could ever have seen that coming!
JimboTCB t1_j18drt2 wrote
We keep on telling them that next time they'll REALLY be in trouble, but it just doesn't seem to sink in!
TheloniusDump t1_j19tkc4 wrote
"we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"
[deleted] t1_j19qfpt wrote
ASpellingAirror t1_j18a84z wrote
It’s a problem in every department, especially small rural departments. Shit, in those departments the cops are drunk on duty. We need to start holding police officers to the same standards we hold average citizens.
KeyanReid t1_j18feha wrote
No, we need to hold them to higher standards.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t run around with a gun always on my person and a full blown assault kit in my car. I don’t ruin people’s entire lives with my judgment calls. And I don’t end people’s freedom and prospects for a decent life.
They need to be held to a higher standard than the average person because they’ve been entrusted with great power. Power they’ve shown they are not fit to wield
toepicksaremyfriend t1_j18hht4 wrote
I wholeheartedly agree.
The only problem is, how do we police the police? Their internal affairs department isn’t doing enough to weed out their “bad apples,” and the average citizen is too busy working (hello student debt, medical bills, unaffordable housing, rising gas and food prices) to attend town hall meetings or disciplinary hearings for officers.
Again, I’m not disagreeing with you, but that’s one very large obstacle.
illegalsandwiches t1_j18iah3 wrote
The answer is the installation of a non-biased department that has no partisan or police affiliation, that withholds the PD to the standards, practices, and laws they must abide by.
A few problems:
- The police is not going to want that.
- Who installs them anyway?
- Pay comes from... the taxpayers? Sure as hell ain't going to come from the police budget (see #1).
There's definitely more, but I'm not coffee'd yet.
Alexb2143211 t1_j18jhtg wrote
If it works it can be funded by the lack of lawsuits against police.
illegalsandwiches t1_j18jpxj wrote
Sooo... The taxpayers? And that's going to come from the form of a mileage or a state bill. No one's going to like paying additional taxes.
Alexb2143211 t1_j18kezm wrote
In saying the lack of oversight is already a drain on taxpayers money
FinndBors t1_j1987y8 wrote
They also need an independent prosecutor. The district attorneys office is not impartial to people they work with all the time.
JBeezMer t1_j19bi46 wrote
One??? you just listed a waking moment for 80% of the population. Either work or starve, freeze, struggle, beg, ect) The list is forever growing, much like the bank accounts of most of our elected officials... Is 200K+ a year a modest income? especially being they have more vacation and holidays than anyone one else in the workforse, top that with the right to buy stocks, and invest in the same company's they write multi billion dollar contracts to for every aspect of infrastructure and boom It's a formula for the American way! Screw you guys. I'm taking care of myself first. Which leads to corporate lobbiests and lawyers, really pressing"$$" these officals and lawmakers into changing laws or passing new ones that directly affect the abiltys and penalties of corporations or companies so when they screw everyday Americans in mass with crap products or services, there isn't even a reasonable avanew for us to respond. i.e" The no class action lawsuit(s) malarkey big tech hides behind these days, also Amazon has jumped in on that as well." I mean, this allows them to literally steal from millions of people daily... Like if I stole 3 dollars from 10 million people today I'd never have to work again but I'd also be sitting in a jail cell after it was confiscated by the cops who wouldn't return it to everyone anyway. you see where I'm going anyway... something massive has to change in this country and to start with its Supreme Court Judges! they need to either do their job as it's laid out by our constitution or they need to be hung for treason! I know that is harsh, but like you said. A higher standard! The highest powers of are held to the highest penalties. If they are gonna use human nature as an excuse, then what's more natural than the law of the jungle! You want that responsibility, it comes with a price, a risk, an aspect of fear being necessary to provide the proper and highest quality of service to the nation you have sworn an oath to protect and serve. We all make our choices in the one life we have. I yours is to protect and serve you better have a real good idea of how to do that, or you may end up swinging on CNN tonight give that news agency a actual purpose... I know we as a society value life over everything else. But what kinda life is it for the majority of the population if they work themselves to death just trying to survive ... the more you make, the more you $pend the less there is in, the, end!
ASpellingAirror t1_j1bi659 wrote
Well I agree with you 100%. But I was thinking we probably need baby steps.
[deleted] t1_j18nklh wrote
KeyanReid t1_j18ol1e wrote
This completely ignores the fact that people are arming themselves to defend against lawless cops. Because who else is going to do it, the cops?
When you act like an occupier in a society you don’t live in, people are going to respond to that.
We just had a state legalize shooting cops breaking into your home because that’s where US policing is at these days. We don’t need to run to their defense on hiring issues when it’s a problem they created
[deleted] t1_j18qb13 wrote
Zipposurelite t1_j18rkdr wrote
As a percentage of total or raw numbers?
KeyanReid t1_j18sqmm wrote
I mean, if you criminalize everything than everyone is a criminal. The average American breaks numerous laws each day, not out of any malice, but because our thousands upon thousands of laws are layered in such a way as to make sure we’re all guilty of something.
Did you have the wrong plant? Did you cross the street not in the 2% of road reserved for pedestrians? Is your house up to code? There’s always a law being broken and corrupt cops ready to use them.
[deleted] t1_j18y68l wrote
KeyanReid t1_j19099l wrote
You’ve clearly never had your life and freedom threatened by an emotionally volatile person feels in a heated situation.
That’s good, but it also seems to lack perspective on the current state of affairs. Mind you, I didn’t make the law that says it’s now okay to shoot cops who go too far, I just paid attention to the circumstances that made it necessary.
[deleted] t1_j190vuk wrote
Helpful_Ad_1921 t1_j18vg7c wrote
I dunno seems like alot of cops are just out there abusing their spouses shrugs
joleme t1_j18tlvs wrote
Being a cop isn't even in the top 5 most dangerous jobs. The danger is 1000% overblown so they can use that as an excuse. The vast percentage of cops will never even see a gun while on duty. Don't make bullshit excuses for them. They do it enough themselves already.
_your_land_lord_ t1_j18suur wrote
Cops love that part. It gives them a reason to escalate everything.
WalktoTowerGreen t1_j18xdu6 wrote
Geez I remember a traffic stop in bumFuck VA and the cop reeked of whiskey, and had trouble maintaining his balance. And when I say “had trouble” I mean like….he fell on the ground when he got out of his car, then wobbled his way towards my car and then had to lean on my car door to continue standing.
I did not get a ticket at least, just yelled at by officer JimBean
Beer-Milkshakes t1_j183p2w wrote
So if the punishment is lax then the offenders will offend. Hmm. Not so sure about that. Do we have any historic data to look at?
Paulo27 t1_j18door wrote
Maybe that's why they shoot everyone.
[deleted] t1_j18uwi6 wrote
seamus_mc t1_j18lgfr wrote
And that just the ones they actually arrested, that doesnt count the ones that were let go or the ones not even stopped.
TheIncendiaryDevice t1_j18gqku wrote
Holy shit!
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