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kittenfordinner t1_j1ale08 wrote

your over thinking it. Remember when you were 7 or 8 years old? and you thought that you were right and everyone who thought you were wrong was an idiot? There is nothing more to understand, my buddy was bitching about the government making people do something or whatever, and I asked about how come they all were insisting on MAKING people swear to the flag, and say "under God" in school. He was like "I don't understand why anyone would not want to say the pledge of allegiance" It didn't compute, didn't matter. They want to win, they are right, you are wrong, the principles which they hold dear only apply, like the bible, if and when they want them to and how they want them too. Don't over think it, people, like animals, do what they do


Main_Dirt_7302 t1_j1br6px wrote

Thanks yeah... That makes sense. What do you think the equivalent of this is on the more liberal side of the political spectrum? Like something where there's a massive level of bs but the group writ large is totally ambivalent to it???


kittenfordinner t1_j1c03dy wrote

I'm sure their are lots of things , probably some of the more dumbass woke people, like the people who think sayings like "the pot calling the kettle black" is racist. There is no apples to apples comparison though. Because the crazies don't make it all the way to the too. Right now being a nut job is requisite to gathering favor among the right wingers. So it's really a totally different environment that we all are living in