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AnxiousAd3182 t1_j190fgg wrote

Tax money to fund their dungeons? Who do they think they are, the CIA?


ACaffeinatedWandress t1_j192whc wrote

How did that conversation go?

“You have all been very, very naughty councilmen. Very, very naughty councilmen. Just look at this budget report. Look at what you did. We need to fix this.”



imregrettingthis t1_j193awi wrote

She reminds me of the girl from ahhhhh! Real monsters. I need to watch that again.


awesomesauce1030 t1_j19g06b wrote

So I assumed that the headline was a little hyperbolic, and that this probably had something to do with a small business tax credit that they weren't getting because of the nature of their business. But no, they straight up went in full regalia and said "we see you're spending money on waste management, you should give us money to build a dungeon."

I respect the boldness.


popecorkyxxiv t1_j19kdew wrote

Would make sense. It's an open secret that anytime republicans events visit a city the local sex trade sees a massive increase in traffic, especially the specialist BDSM ones.


Right-Fisherman-1234 t1_j19khfx wrote

Would like to know who frequents said dungeons. Lawmakers, preachers, anti gay advocates????


Independent_Ad_2073 t1_j19kztr wrote

I mean to be fair, those lawmakers probably frequent that club, so they should pay for it instead


TheFeshy t1_j19ry3h wrote

Great advertising, but I doubt they really want this - after all, a publicly funded dungeon would have to be open to the public.


garry4321 t1_j19td54 wrote

Its Florida.

If they deny it, its because the participants are too old for the politicians liking.


pighammerduck t1_j1a02bv wrote

So was it a demand when the Steinbrenners threatened take the Yankees to another city if the taxpayers didn't pony up half a billion dollars for their new stadium? Sex dungeon would be more worth it, tbh.


CertainRound4464 t1_j1a1mkl wrote

Well they use taxpayer dollars to build sports arena's. Why not a public Dungeon. Lol Man I love living in Florida. Never a dull moment. 😂😂


kleverjoe t1_j1a6hds wrote

"City Manager, are there any districts that have a dungeon?" Was waiting for him to add "Asking for a friend..."


Veraciraptor7 t1_j1ac4y5 wrote

Not even close to the most ridiculous use of taxpayer dollars I've ever seen if it passes.


GuessWhatIGot t1_j1ad6ir wrote

I just saw this on the news in CA. The anchors added at the end that, apparently, this was a PR stunt for a new club opening up in Miami. I didn't catch the name, but I gotta say, they know their audience. Politicians.


thepro7864 t1_j1ahe53 wrote

This is just a giga brain marketing strat. Perfect match for those loaded council men who’re always in control.


Inconceivable-2020 t1_j1aopbg wrote

As long as they don't have drag queens, the Florida city will probably give them the money.


Wendidigo t1_j1at4o5 wrote

Oath Keepers at it again.


Notsnowbound t1_j1au5cc wrote

Hey, better than some overpriced office renovation!


Sumthin-Sumthin44692 t1_j1awafh wrote

>According to the Cambridge Dictionary, in BDSM culture, a "dom" means dominant, and "sub" is submissive.

They really had to pull out the big guns for that citation.


philovax t1_j1b347e wrote

Dont they know thats in the Federal Budget. Lindsey Graham has at least one intern dedicated to this.


anthonycj t1_j1b3vn3 wrote

Ah, thanks I was wondering about this because it felt so planned and rehearsed I was assuming it was some kind of crazy anti-lgbtq/false flag crap but it was just questionable advertising.


icematt12 t1_j1b842t wrote

There must be at least one person from Langley now who thinks using such a dungeon as the name of a front is a good idea. Somewhat relevant name that seems unlikely to be part of an alphabet agency.


CodinOdin t1_j1bcd9p wrote

Well, this is certainly some bold advertising for their club.


marker8050 t1_j1bltyq wrote

I'm not against a community dungeon


fastseahorse t1_j1bzgg7 wrote

hate to burst your bubble but as an anarchist I am informing you it’s politicians from both parties. As well as major sporting events. Professional conferences of all industries. Men of all demographics and from all categories desperately want sex. Anywhere any large group of men are congregating, the SWers will follow. Imagine thinking only republicans enjoy it


fastseahorse t1_j1c07i6 wrote

As a Floridian, I propose that we donate the I-4 Eyesore in Orlando for Mistress’ dungeon.


dumbasstupidbaby t1_j1c9jld wrote

I just want to slap some sense into these people but they'd probably enjoy that


chevalier716 t1_j1ccak6 wrote

To be fair, sports teams get this treatment. Why not other forms of entertainment?


BeetlesMa t1_j1cd0v1 wrote

You can just stop the headlines after Florida. We got it.


MeIncogNeto t1_j1clain wrote

I've seen crazier demand tax payers dollars


NoGlzy t1_j1cm3rp wrote

The Honored Matres have returned from the scattering to conquer the old imperium and ask for some money for their nasty sex house


Ambar_Orion t1_j1cnm4h wrote

Maybe Saints Row isn't that crazy anymore


Shot-Spray5935 t1_j1co0ky wrote

As long as every taxpayer can come by and get fully dominated there. I need some spanking I've been a bad bad boy.


jral1987 t1_j1col38 wrote

It's Florida, I'm no longer surprised with any of the weird and crazy shit that happens there.


DrSendy t1_j1cupc1 wrote

That story needs to start with "Florida man...."


spudgun20 t1_j1cw7rt wrote

So, just trying to turn the local council into paypigs. Really living the gimmick aren't they?


set-271 t1_j1cx0pr wrote

I'm sure they quietly got their funding to build the new dungeon in a undisclosed location next to a city counselor.


fsckstix t1_j1cz4g3 wrote

Do you want Slaanesh? Because that's how you get Slaanesh.


Eyes-9 t1_j1d4y3i wrote

I suppose it's a publicity stunt?

Still seems a bit silly. Businesses usually need investors to get the ball rolling and keep their doors open.


Jinxed0ne t1_j1d6gmg wrote

I rather give them money than fucking churches. At least they provide an actual service.


dead_andbored t1_j1d8msw wrote

100% supportive of having my tax money going to dominatrix clubs instead of cops


elghoto t1_j1dc9ku wrote

What do they think they are? A church?


BaconDragon69 t1_j1de3bu wrote

Sure as hell money better spent than the fucking church


[deleted] t1_j1dh74d wrote

I love how organized, and to these point these women are, and for the most part respectful of the whole process, can’t say the same for the religious crazy groups that show up at our Florida local city councils almost every week.

Would love to see them again, I feel that they could get so much accomplished.


smoke99999 t1_j1diwno wrote

given as often as the government fucks the tax payers

I would assume its only fair for the tax payer to demand a dungeon for the shenanigans to continue in private

anybody happen to get the number for the wide hipped girl 2nd in line? I know a person wants to know


Moon_Bassist t1_j1dlcyy wrote

Is this kinda like when those two guys pitched to their their local city council the idea of tax-funded party yachts?


milesdraws t1_j1dlixg wrote

I mean... They were shooting their shot, good for them. Hope they get some money for their dungeon.


daveescaped t1_j1ez5qc wrote

Clearly they are making a joke. This is nonsense.