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Half_Cent t1_j3z1k0i wrote

There are just as many smart enlisted as any other population. I went through 18 months of grueling training to operate a nuclear plant on an aircraft carrier.

Your comment is ignorant and demeaning to those who have served.


madmaxjr t1_j3zhsqm wrote

Moreover, I’ve met my share of general- and field-grade officers, and one can immediately tell that 9/10 times they’re very intelligent


Acnat- t1_j3zkazm wrote

I wouldn't say I lose any sleep over it, but it is refreshing to hear someone point this out against stereotypes lol Been a pretty competent industrial electrician for around a decade now, had a gt in the mid 120s when I enlisted, and literally got laughed at by my recruiter when I asked if I qualified to go infantry. Plenty of knuckle draggers and big dumb animal environments to be sure (admittedly more so than not) but folks are always surprised to hear that I know plenty of grunts who transitioned into shit like filmmaking, culinary arts, psychology, and at least one engineer. Might be a very unique community and set of circumstances, but the military is still just a sample size of the general population, even down to the line units.


Omegalazarus t1_j3zywhm wrote

To say that they are just as many smart people in the enlisted cohort as in any other population division is definitely incorrect.

Hell it's even provable why the numbers. Grab an infantry squad and check their GT scores now go to I don't know like an ivy league school. Grab some doctoral candidates and Give them the ASVAB and check their GT scores.


dogeheroic t1_j3z2ph4 wrote

USN ET. I went through A school, C school and some additional training. I speak from experience. Think about that before you decide to call someone ignorant while yourself being ignorant.


Half_Cent t1_j3z8ar2 wrote

Then your comment was even worse. Ignorance is better than arrogance in my view, but you do you.


CaptainPunch374 t1_j3zdq2k wrote

Using those terms as if someone who wasn't enlisted and went through the same branch would know what they mean other than having a vague notion makes you sound like the guys who slip military jargon into their everyday speech without ever having been enlisted. It's not a good look on anyone, much more so on people who actually served, because it makes the ones who don't do that look bad.

The combination of jumping down someone's throat for being ignorant about your experience while expecting them to grasp super niche terminology relating to it is definitely making an argument opposite to the one you intended, at the very least.


Half_Cent t1_j3zhafg wrote

I went through an A school and C school so I know what they were referring to, and ET refers to their rate or job of electronics technician, but it makes it seem like they believe they were special and smarter than everyone else. In my experience there were smart people in every branch and field, and not so smart as well. Just like everywhere else I've been.


Sir-Kevly t1_j3z3r8v wrote

Why would anyone want to be demeaning towards people who commit war crimes for a living?
